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Uploading this tonight as I'm out most of the day tomorrow.

April 1983

After Paul took her innocence in February Lilliana changed, her shy quiet nature turns, moody and full of attitude.

"Another sibling?" Lilliana frowns a look of pure disgust on her face, "Are you joking?"

"Lily," John warns, "Don't be rude," In the beginning John put the moody attitude down to her being a teenager, moody swings and an attitude are normal around that age but he'll only take so much before a grounding is needed.

Hurt flashes behind Veronica's eyes, "Yes, due at the beginning of December."

Lilliana completely ignores her dad's warning, "And where's this one meant to go? I don't know whether noticed but all five bedrooms in this house are full."

"Sharing will be the case for the time being until some extra room is made," John tries his best to keep his cool but he will not tolerate disrespect.

"Extra room," She looks confused, "Ooh wait, I turn 16 in four months. That's where this is going, your kicking me out, time for me to leave and make my own way in the world right?"

"No Lily, the attic..." Veronica tries to explain.

"The attic?" She interrupts him, rudeness turns to anger, "That's your plan? You're putting me in the attic like some creepy horror movie because you don't want your moody teenage stepdaughter ruining your perfect family image."

"Enough!" John raises his voice, something he rarely has to do with any of his children, "Lily, you've gone too far. Apologise and I'll reconsider the length of your grounding."

In no mindset to talk calmly, Lilliana stands abruptly and storms upstairs yelling, "I'll save you two trouble," And slams her bedroom door.

Sighing John drops his head in his hands, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise," Veronica rubs the back of his neck comfortingly, "It's not your fault."

"No it is, I've stood back and let the attitude happen because I thought by letting it run its course it would disapparate quicker but I should have nipped it in the bud when it started."

"You're still not to blame though, I also stood back and let it happen. I could have said something at any time but I didn't. What I do believe though is this isn't just to do with being a teenager."

"You think something else is causing this?"

Thumping on the stairs pulls them away from the conversation, they see Lilliana walking drown the stairs with her suitcase dragging behind.

"What are you doing?" John exits the living room as she walks out the front door and follows her.

"Leaving, giving you extra room for the newest Deacon, this one doesn't want to be here anymore or be a Deacon," She sees the bus pulling up at the end of her street and runs getting on before John can catch her.

Letting tears leak down her face, she looks out the window as the bus pulls off, her dad looking extremely hurt and worried.

Getting off at the stop nearest the tube and travelling to Kensington, she reaches Garden Lodge as dark sets in. Typing the code into the gate, she steps inside leaning against it as it closes and cries.

She looks up when she hears the front door open, "Lily?" Freddie frowns. He'd heard the pin being put into the gate, he hadn't expected to find his niece crying against the gate.

Seeing him she runs at him and collapses against him sobbing. Looking over his shoulder signals for Joe, Freddie's chef, to get Lilliana's suitcase while he leads her into the living room.

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