So Close

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I was mean to say this at the end of the last chapter but forgot, I am aware that sixth form or college would usually come before Uni but for the timeline of this book to work that will not be the case.

Also, I hope you don't mind, but how Freddie comes back to Queen is going to be a little different in this book to my previous ones.

"Lily," John knocks on her art studio door, she's sitting at her usual art easel, "Two more letters arrived through the post."

Last week Lilliana got her exam results, she got a C in R.E and Science, a B in Music, French and Math, an A in English and History and an A* in Art.

Miss Hill was kind enough to send the grades to five Universities that she'd alright made contact with for Lilliana. Oxford University in Oxford, England. The University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland. Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angles, California. Parsons School of Design, in New York City, New York.

"Finally, the other three came earlier in the week. I wanted to open them all together," With this being the next big step in Lilliana's life.

Veronica comes up and stands beside her husband while Lilliana opens them, they're both just as anxious to know as Lilliana is.

She opens Oxford first then Edinburgh, "I didn't get into Oxford," She's not surprised by that one really, "But I got in Edinburgh, so I'm not staying in London then."

"I had a feeling you wouldn't be," John honestly knew that deep down his eldest would fly the nest by going to Uni, "But it's good, you have an offer."

"What about the others?" Veronica pushes Lilliana to open the remaining letters.

She opens the first with a sigh, then the following two with gasps, "I didn't into Paris," She knew that wouldn't happen, she knows her skill level and while good she's not up there with the French.

"But..." Veronica pushes again.

"I got an offer for Los Angles and New York," Three offers, the main reason for putting in five applications was to make sure she got at least one offer, she never imagined she'd get three.

"Which one are you going to pick?" He would love for her to pick Edinburgh, yes it is far away but not as far as America.

Lilliana doesn't say anything reading the letters thoroughly, "New York," She answers with certainty.

Frowning Veronica shares a look with her husband, "You can have some time to think about it. You don't have to make a decision right away."

"But I know that no matter what university I go to it's going to cost a lot of money..."

John interrupts not at all concerned about cost, "We don't..."

Lilliana cuts him off, "New York has offered me a scholarship. That's all my uni fees taken care of, no loan, nothing. They can provide accommodation within that scholarship too or I can sort out my own place to live. All I need to do is sort my visa and my flight."

"A scholarship? Wow," He can't find any other words to say other than, "You sure you want to go to New York?"

"Yeah," She nods, "Funny thing is when Miss Hill first mentioned America for Uni it was like I could finally my future after school. Staying in the UK didn't seem right. There is one thing though."

"I'm listening."

"I'm ready to have that chat with you and then others."

"Then I'll go ring them," John leaves to call Brian, Roger and Miami and Veronica leaves too but not before hugging Lilliana, "I'm proud of you. Your dad is too, he's just a bit shocked."

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