Good Memories

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Sorry this chapter is a small one

July 1986

"I want to create some good memories for Lily that will overtake the bad memories of her past," Rami explains to John and Freddie sitting across from him, "I know how I want to do this but I need your permission and cooperation to make it work."

Lilliana and Rami are back in England for the summer holidays, they're second year at Uni was a lot quieter and far less eventful.

They are currently out for a meal celebrating Lilliana's 18th birthday and Roger's 37th birthday. While she is in the bathroom, Rami is taking the opportunity to set an important plan in motion.

"I think it's a great idea," John agrees that it would be nice for Lilliana to have some good memories, "That's up to you which concert you do it at."

"We have 5 concerts left of this tour, one in France, three in Spain and are last date is in Hertfordshire," Freddie explains, "But if you are wanting to create a good memory I'd recommend the one in France."

"I agree," John nods, "Our last family holiday was there and despite her enjoying her time everything with Paul was still looming over her. If not France then choose the Hertfordshire date, you'd get it saved on camera too as that date is being filmed."

"What's being filmed?" Lilliana asks getting the tail end of the conversation as she returns.

Rami panics fearing she heard but Freddie isn't fazed, "The Knebworth concert, Sweet Flower."

"Oh yes I'm looking forward to that one," She retakes her seat, "I'm sad I can't go to the one in France, I haven't been there in years."

"Why can't you?" Rami frowns unaware of any plans that will clash.

"I have that appointment with Doctor Melrose, for the migraines I've been having," Starting a couple of weeks ago she's been getting bad migraines but she put it down to being busy with Uni and work. However, arriving home a few days ago she had one and again just yesterday.

Deciding to ease any worries of her epilepsy returning or something more sinister, she rang Doctor Melrose and took the earliest appointment in 4 days on the 30th of July.

"Oh, I forgot about that," It solves his fight between which location to do it at though.


Rami was sitting and having dinner with Lilliana's family when she came home from the appointment, "How'd your appointment go?" He asks once she joins them at the table.

"Doctor Melrose has done some blood tests and she's booked me in for a CT scan at the hospital in a couple of days. Once she has the results back...."

"It will show that you don't have a brain," Robert teases adding to the conversation.

"Excuse me," Lilliana gasps playfully, "I do have a brain."

"Do not."

"Do too."

"Do not!" Michael joins his older brother.

"Do too!" She argues getting louder with her younger brother.

"Alright, enough before Josh and Lauren join in," Veronica interrupts but smiles, she loves having her full family together.

"I'm sure Rami will back me up, right love?" She smiles at her boyfriend.

Of course, he knows the look behind that smile, "Only because I'd prefer not to sleep in the garden."

John chuckles, "Yes remember that answer, happy wife happy life."

Lilliana snickers when Veronica rolls her eyes, "Anyway, Doctor says the results will be back in two weeks, but she doesn't believe there's anything to worry about apart from me doing a bit too much," With only one year left of Uni, she just has to stick it out for a bit longer.


August 1986

Rami couldn't be more nervous standing to the right of the stage for the last concert of the Queen Magic Tour, unbeknownst to any of them that this would be the last ever concert with the four Queens together.

As Somebody to Love comes to an end, they pause instead of going into the next song as usual. "We'd just like to take a pause here," Freddie informs the crowd, "A friend of ours has a rather important question to ask a certain someone in the audience."

The singer walks to the front of the stage and looks down into the VIP section where Lilliana and a few other members of the Queen family are, "Lilliana Deacon, would you come up please?"

Lilliana frowns, confused as to what is going on, looking at her mum for an idea it appears she is just as confused. Still, she follows one of the crew members that leads her onto the stage in front of 120,000 people.

"Excellent," Freddie muses taking his niece's hand and pulling her to the centre of the stage, "Right, Rami," He turns to the opposite side of the stage and Rami walks out, Freddie hands him the mic, "All yours."

Now extremely confused and somewhat nervous, Lilliana nearly bursts into tears when Rami gets down on one knee, "As young as we may be, I can say without any doubt that you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with," He pulls the ring box from his pocket, "Lily, will you marry me?"

Tears sliding down her face, she nods grinning, "Yes."

He slides the ring onto her finger and stands to kiss her, the entire crowd cheering for them. Freddie takes the mic back from Rami and Queen continues their concert, Rami pulls Lilliana off to the wings.

Now with a touch more privacy, Lilliana kisses him with much more force and hugs him tightly, jumping up and down with excitement.

John watched the moment while playing and smiles, glad to see his little girl happy.

Of course, for a reason Lilliana isn't sure of, her happiness and excitement don't last more than a day, much like every other happy moment in her life.

The following day she received a phone call from Doctor Melrose discussing her results, they were far from what Lilliana expected.

"What did she say?" Rami asks once she put the phone down, the worry clear on his fiancé's face.

Like her, he hadn't expected those words to come out of her mouth.

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