Pt 2 Chapter 32: Farewell, Hogwarts

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Normally on the day of the House Cup, the atmosphere in the castle is remarkable and festive. On this day, however, it is not. While we are celebrating our graduation from Hogwarts, protecting our school from goblins  and the lives that are awaiting us, something is missing. Or rather, someone.

The dormitory feels empty without Imelda. Professor Weasley had made sure that her side of the room had been cleaned up, but it just made everything feel worse. The dormitory almost echoes with loneliness. With her belongings still there, I could tell myself that she was just away for a short period of time. Comforting myself with fantasies. But with everything gone, there is nothing left to remind me of her except my memories.

Ominis had been a wreck the last week. Avoiding all sorts of conversation. Sometimes I found him sitting by himself in the Undercroft, crying in silence. Everytime I found him, I always sat down with him. Holding him and comforting him until he had no tears left. Sometimes I said comforting words, but he never spoke back. We share the pain of Imelda's loss, but it's impossible for me to even imagine what it feels like to have your loved one stolen from you way too soon. Just the thought of losing Sebastian made me think of destroying the world, hence I can't even picture what it must be like to actually lose them.

When I am finished packing my trunk, I sit down on the bed and glance around the room. This very room has been with me through so much. So many sleepless nights, so many late night talks with Imelda and so many laughs. I have mixed feelings when I walk out of it. Sadness because this might be my last visit here, but also gratitude for all the moments I spent there. I close the door behind me and walk to the common room, where Sebastian, Ominis and Anne are already waiting. Anne and Sebastian give me a smile, but Ominis doesn't move a muscle in his face.

''I can't believe you're leaving me all alone here,'' Anne says jokingly. She is studying another year at Hogwarts, potentially two, since she only came back for our 7th year.

''You'll be fine,'' I tell her in a comforting voice, carefully touching her arm. She gives me a gentle smile.

We start walking towards the Great Hall, all wearing our traditional Slytherin robes. The sun is shining in our eyes through the windows in the castle, reminding us that summer is here. Everywhere along the castle walls, torches are lighting up the way and it surely feels magical. As we enter the Great Hall, the tables are filled with delicious looking food and the ceiling is filled with lit candles. I walk over to the Gryffindor table, saying hi to Natty, Leander and Garreth.

''I'm so sorry, Y/n,'' Natty says as she gives me a warm hug. ''I know she was your best friend. But if anyone can live through that, it's you. I know it.''

''Thank you, Natty,'' I say softly, giving her a sincere look. She takes my hands in hers and squeezes them firmly.

''Thank you, Y/n,'' Garreth says in a low voice, looking down at his feet. ''I heard you calling for help when I was hit. You didn't have to help me, but you still chose to. So, thank you.''

''Anytime,'' I tell him with a slight smile.

''And I'm sorry for your loss,'' he says with his lips pressed together.

''Thank you,'' I tell him sincerely before heading back to the Slytherin table.

I sit down with Sebastian, Ominis and Anne. Sebastian quickly wraps his arm around me when I sit down next to him, pulling me closer. I feel the warmth of his body and instantly feel better. Headmaster Black is sitting walking up to the podium with a smile, looking out over the students.

''The time has come to announce the winner of the house cup!'' he says in a loud and clear voice and for a second I believe he is looking directly at me. ''This year has been tough on all of us. But despite that, each and every one of you managed to make it through another year.''

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now