Chapter 25: A Gaunt Family Dinner

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Author's note

We're getting closer to the end of this story and of course, things will get more intense. I have about four or five more chapters planned, but there will also be an epilogue. Just want you to have an idea on what to expect in the next few chapters. Thank you for all your kind comments and the likes. You all deserve the world. Take care ♡


It's a foggy morning in April when Ominis is heading to meet his family. His fake visit to St Mungos had worked out perfectly and Nurse Blainey was extremely worried about him. Everyone at school seemed to know about his medical condition and it really was the trendiest topic at Hogwarts at the moment. I overheard a younger Slytherin talking about how tragic it was that he finally found love, and now was going to die. I hate rumors like that and even though that could have been the case if he was actually sick, it was highly unlikely to die from Ominis' fake disease.

At first Imelda had been worried sick, which made Ominis eventually give in and tell her that he wasn't actually ill. He didn't tell her the full story, but he did say that he needed to leave school for some personal matters. She didn't like it, but she accepted it.

Ominis had three days to make the prophecy never come true, leave his family with his life intact and return to Hogwarts. It was a very limited schedule and a lot at stake. Lately, Ominis and Sebastian had snuck out of the castle to practise apparition, so that Ominis could transport himself quickly between the locations. He could now do it successfully, but Sebastian and I were both still struggling to master it.

Sebastian and I follow Ominis to the Forbidden Forest, where we walk in silence. We are all nervous and tense, Ominis more than the two of us. Sebastian reaches for my hand and squeezes it quickly before he lets go of it. We reach our decided location and stand still.

''We'll meet here again in three days,'' Sebastian says firmly.

Ominis nods and looks bitten.

''Please, be careful,'' I tell him with a worried look on my face.

''You know me,'' Ominis says in a confident voice. I think it's his way of processing all of this, because I highly doubt that he is actually feeling confident right now. ''I'll come back, so that I can keep giving the two of you relationship advice.''

He has been extremely good at giving the two of us advice, I have to admit that. When I struggled to understand myself, he was there. When I was in doubt, he was there. I feel sad when I think about how good of a friend he has been to me, because I feel as if I'm letting him down now that he's doing this all alone.

''Y/n,'' Ominis says. ''Please make sure Imelda doesn't forget about me.''

''It's just three days,'' I tell him. ''She'll be fine.''

''I know. But still,'' Ominis voice is low.

''I promise, Ominis,'' I tell him and give him a hug.

Sebastian and Ominis hug each other for a long time before Ominis finally says goodbye and disappears within the blink of an eye. I stand in silence with Sebastian, both in shock.

''We must tell the Keepers,'' I say to Sebastian and start walking back towards the castle.

We promised to update them when Ominis left, so they could work their magic. They still haven't told what their part in this plan is, but we figured that it might be our only chance to protect Ominis from afar.

It feels as if the day never ends and it's painful to know that Ominis is out somewhere, sitting at a table being nice to the people who hurt him most. The amount of courage that takes is immaculate. Before he left he explained that despite the pain they put him through, it's going to be painful for him to do what needs to be done. He said that just because people have wronged you, you don't get the right to destroy their lives. And while I know that he's right, I could never put myself through that. Maybe that makes Ominis a better and bigger person than me and that is something I can live with.

Sebastian and I are sitting against the wall in the Undercroft. We have barely spoken throughout the entire day. This is a day of sadness for both of us and it pains us even more that there is absolutely nothing we can do. We are well aware that the fate of the wizarding world lies in Ominis' hands, but his fate is still unknown.

''Come here,'' I tell Sebastian and pull him closer to me. ''What's on your mind?''

''I'm just so worried,'' he says in a low voice. ''And I feel as if all of this is somehow my fault. Of course I know that it's not, but still.''

''I feel the same,'' I admit. Even though it hurts me to know that Sebastian is blaming himself, I find some peace in knowing that I'm not the only one feeling like that. ''He'll be okay.''

''We don't know that,'' Sebastian argues. ''I'm just so upset because our friendship finally recovered from all the awful things last year. And if something were to happen to him, I would just blame myself.''

It kills me to know that he's in so much pain and blames himself over a prophecy that he is in no way responsible for.

''Sebastian,'' I whisper, taking his hand in mine. ''You are in no way responsible for this. You have to stop holding yourself accountable for other people's choices and actions. People have free will.''

He squeezes my hand back.

''I know,'' he says in a low voice. ''I know you're right, but that doesn't make it easier to stop blaming yourself.''

I nod understandingly. He has been through more pain than anyone should experience in a lifetime. Losing his parents, Anne getting cursed, his uncle not wanting to keep trying, Anne leaving him. He lived through so much and I just wish I could take his pain away from him. I'd take it and carry it myself if I could.

''I just miss Anne so much,'' he says. ''I've been trying to forgive myself, but it's just so hard when I know I did the wrong thing.''

''It takes time, love,'' I tell him softly.

Neither of us manages to fall asleep that night. Instead we just sit there in the darkness, holding each other and hoping that everything will work out okay.

The three days have passed and we head back to the Forbidden Forest to meet Ominis. We go there early in the morning, since we have no idea when during the day he will return. The morning turns into afternoon, that turns into night. And there's no signs of Ominis' return, making me and Sebastian extremely worried.

The night is getting colder and darker. After waiting in the forest for almost 14 hours we decide to head back to the castle.

''Maybe he didn't find his way back to our spot and headed back to the castle,'' I say, lying for myself.

''Let's hope you're right,'' Sebastian says in a low voice as we're walking through the forest.

We are standing outside of the entrance to the Slytherin common room when we hear rapid footsteps approaching us. It's almost midnight and we are definitely not supposed to be up at this hour, nor do we want to draw any suspicions to Ominis' trip.

''Mr Sallow! Miss Y/n!'' Sebastian and I turn around to see professor Weasley, who has a concerned look on his face. ''Nurse Blainey has requested the two of you to the Hospital Wing. Try to get there as quick as you can, it's rather urgent.''

Sebastian and I exchange extremely worried looks. His eyes are filled with worry.

''Professor Weasley,'' I say. ''What's the matter?''

She gives us a compassionate look and walks closer to us. I can tell she really does not want to tell what this is all about.

''I think it's best if you see for yourselves,'' she says. Now that she is standing closer to us I can see the worry in her eyes, too. ''Off you go.'' 

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now