Chapter 11: A Friend In Deed

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''I found something. Something new.'' Ominis says quietly to me and Sebastian, as he approaches us in the common room. We exchange a quick look.

''The Undercroft?'' Sebastian asks and stands up, starting to make his way out of the common room.

''Tomorrow. I need a little more time.'' Ominis explains. ''I just got a small piece and I need a bit more.''

''Very well. Tomorrow evening.'' I finish.

I need to study, but Sebastian is not the one who lets me focus. Even though he is deep down in his books, he unknowingly manages to distract me. I find myself admiring his face, his hair, his aura. Everything. And I can never seem to find my focus back. Instead, I decide to follow Poppy into the Forbidden Forest to help her catch some beasts. Not that it's helping me study, but I also need a break from fixating about Sebastian.

I meet her at dusk, even though she prefers hunting beasts in daylight. We pass some spiders, centaurs and even some dugbogs. I remember my unlucky meetings with spiders and dugbogs last year and a shiver runs through my body. Nasty beings, both of them.

''Don't you wanna take care of one of those?'' I ask her jokingly, nodding towards the massive spider hiding behind some webs.

Poppy laughs loudly and I shush her. No need to draw unnecessary attention.

''I love all beings, but spiders are better off here than anywhere I could keep them.'' She says in a light voice. ''Do you remember last year?''

''Which part of it?'' I ask her, remembering all the events that we went through last year. Practically fighting a dragon, returning the dragon's egg and and much more. I did, however, have the time of my life fighting and freeing dragons with her.

''The dragon!'' She says in an excited tone. ''People still don't believe me when I tell them I got to pet it.''

''Well, petting is a bit of an over exaggeration.'' I say. ''But you touched it and survived.''

''When it comes to dragons, that's kind of the same thing. At least I would say so.'' She says firmly.

''If you say so.'' I joke with her.

Unfortunately we cannot find any beasts, except for Hippogriffs, and Poppy decides it's best we head back to the castle. We walk in silence for a bit, admiring the Forbidden Forest and its endless amount of surprises. But just like the forest, Poppy is also full of surprises. Before we had our first encounter, I took her for any Hufflepuff who's obsessed with nature. We never really spoke about our personal lives, so what she brings up baffles me a bit.

''I noticed you spend a lot of time with Sebastian Sallow.'' She says after a long time of silence.

I hesitate to answer. I'm not the kind of person who goes around and talks to many people about my emotional life. But it would be nice to have someone to confide in.

''We do spend some time together, yes.'' I tell her. ''I fancy him a little.''

''I knew it!'' She says and stops me. ''Have you ever... Kissed?''

She looks like a child with her excited facial expressions.

''I'm sorry to disappoint you, but nothing physical happened.'' I say. She looks disappointed and I share the feeling with her.

''Is he still doing dark magic?'' She asks quietly. ''There were a lot of rumours going on about him last year.''

''He's not.'' I tell her. Even though I enjoy talking to Poppy, I am quite reserved when it comes to sharing my emotions with people. Especially when it comes to engaging in rumours of people I hold close.

''That's wonderful to hear!'' Her voice lightens up. ''I assume it's just jealous people spreading rumours. I always thought of him as one of the kind Slytherin students. Like you!''

One thing about Poppy is that she is endlessly optimistic. For someone who is not as optimistic, it can be both a blessing and a curse.

''How do you know if a boy likes you?'' I ask her.

I was never the popular kind of girl, nor the one who dated lots of boys. Boys approached me sometimes, but I never found romance as something appealing. Until I met him.

''I guess...'' She hesitates. ''He cares about you, wants to keep you safe. Or if he finds an excuse to be close to you.''

All of the things she tells me is applicable on my relationship with Sebastian. But it also sounds pretty general. I need a bit more to clear my judgement.

''I don't know very much about boys, or relationships, if I'm being honest. I spend most of my time with Hippogriffs, as you know.'' She says and looks down, as if she's ashamed of her lacking knowledge. ''But I assume that if it's right, you know.''

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now