P2 Chapter 10: The Second Note

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Ever since my evening with Sebastian I had felt as if I was walking out clouds. If I were to speak to Anne, she would probably question whether or not it was actually closure I got. But I would argue and say that I got some closure. Even if it may have just been one night, he really showed that he had improved in some ways. Of course it will take longer to tell, but at least I knew that his apology was sincere and that he genuinely seemed to have been working on himself. It was as if he had given himself closure.

It had been a week since I had received the mysterious letter and I figured nothing would happen if I didn't show. I was still convinced it was a nasty prank. It's a rainy Sunday and exactly one week until the quidditch try-outs. I'm not worried about not making the team, but I still decide to head to the field for some practicing with Imelda. She had been training almost every night since we came back to the castle, determined to ensure that Slytherin wins the quidditch cup as well as the house cup this year. This spirit had spread amongst all Slytherins, who were all their very best and ambitious selves to make this reality.

Despite the rain and extremely cold autumn breezes I find comfort in flying. It allows me to take my mind away from things, good or bad, and just live for the broom for a while. I have always found it to be quite relaxing. After a good hour or two on the broom I head back in the castle, ready to study some defence against dark arts. After all, it is my last year at Hogwarts and since I'm unsure of what I want to do after I need to do well in all classes to leave as many doorways as possible open.

I spend the rest of the day in the library with Natty, who is just as unsure about the future as me. We study hard, sometimes discussing different topics related to the dark arts as well as talks about life. The rain is making soft noises on the window and it's really cozy in the library. Even if I'm not the one who spends all my waken time there, it sure is a place of comfort for me.

In next day's herbology class, that I am taking with some Hufflepuffs, I notice that Poppy isn't there. I notice her absence right away since she always lightens the mood in the room.

''Where's Poppy?'' I ask Lenora.

Lenora didn't seem to dislike me as much after the first night back at Hogwarts, where Imelda and I joined their afterparty. However, she still wasn't my biggest supporter.

''Didn't you hear?'' she asks me with a confused face. ''She was attacked by something in the forest yesterday. She's in the hospital wing, it almost ripped her to pieces.''

I instantly worry for her health. She is one of my very best friends and I want to see her right away. I ask Professor Garlick if I may be excused from class and explain the situation. I promise her to catch up on the work I'm missing out on and head to the Hospital Wing after Professor Garlick has agreed. I almost sprint through the castle, having to catch my breath for over a minute after I've gotten through all the stairs.

''Nurse Blainey!'' I yell once I arrive in the hospital wing.

The normally very kind nurse gives me an angry eye.

''Are you out of your mind?'' she snarls at me. ''Lower your voice.''

''Where's Poppy?'' I ask her in a worried voice.

''Over here,'' Nurse Blainey says as she leads the way.

Poppy looks as if she's been in a fist fight with a whole pack of mongrels. She looks at me with a kind smile, as always.

''What happened to you?'' I ask in an extremely worried voice as I sit down next to her.

''There were some goblins,'' she says in a drowsy voice.

''She's struggling to remember,'' Nurse Blainey explains. ''I'm convinced it was one of her animals.''

Poppy shakes her head at me and gives me a concerned look. Eventually Nurse Blainey heads off to a young Ravenclaw who had eaten a candy to make them taller, but the potion was brewed poorly so the young Ravenclaw had massive feet instead. They looked quite funny, but of course due to the circumstances I couldn't laugh.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now