Pt 2 Chapter 30: The Goblin War

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The leaves on the trees are now green and you can almost feel summer in the air. With the soft breeze of the wind and the sun reflecting in the Black Lake, you would think that the best is yet to come. With the N.E.W.T.s around the corner, graduating from Hogwarts and a future with Sebastian awaiting. Any other day, this would probably be a fantastic day. But not today.

Almost all students who are 16 and older are standing in the courtyard. On the stairs outside of the Great Hall, Headmaster Black is standing with the other professors of Hogwarts. Professor Weasley is looking concerned, her lips are pressed together into a thin line, and Professor Sharp is looking extremely focused. Professor Garlick walks up next to them, after having placed multiple cages with magical plants around the courtyard.

''I'm scared,'' I whisper to Ominis, who is standing on my right side.

''Me too,'' he says in a low, serious tone.

The tension is pressed. Not a single student is saying a word. I glance around and see all the people I care for.  Sebastian, Imelda, Ominis, Poppy, Anne, Natty, Amit, Garreth. Everyone is here, standing with their wands ready in their hands. It almost looks a bit poetic, but of course there is nothing beautiful or poetic about this. We all know what will go down and the risk each and everyone of us is taking.

''Hogwarts is under attack,'' Professor Weasley says in a serious tone, holding her wand to her throat so it is loud and clear over the courtyard. ''You have no obligations to fight for the school. Protect it for as long as you can,'' she looks very bitten together. ''This is not the time for you to play heroes. Don't do anything stupid. Professor Sharp and Nurse Blainey are here for the ones in need of medical assistance. Don't hesitate to accept their help.''

Sebastian glances over at me and I catch his eyes. We look at each other for a long moment, not exchanging a single word yet knowing very well what's going on inside the other one's mind. The last year made him look as if he had aged five years. He looked tired, exhausted. I probably look the same, but I've gotten used to the way I look so I don't notice it.

Some goblins are already inside the school and I fear that they might be going after the repository that Professor Fig and I managed to contain. The one last thing Professor Fig did before he passed away. Ranrok was dead, but it's not impossible that the word have spread that there is a massive amount of ancient magic being hidden and contained under the floors of Hogwarts. I just hope it's not true.

The students spread out over school, keeping guard and preparing to fight. I take my place close to the wooden bridge with Sebastian and Natty. They are two of the best duellists I know and I trust them both with my life. In the far distance we can see troops of goblins getting closer to the castle. I reach for Sebastian's hand and intertwine our fingers. I squeeze his hand firmly and he squeezes it back. The warmth from our hands makes my palm sweaty and my nervosity grows stronger. The castle is protected by charms, but it's only a question of time about how long they can keep us safe.

The goblins are getting closer, running towards the castle but the defensive charms are stopping them. The ones that manage to run into the wall of charms pulverise, looking like glass sand. Sebastian, Natty and I see this in first person. We will likely be the first ones having to fight. I let out a sigh of relief when I see how they can't get through. However, I notice one of them taking out that black cylinder container that was once in my cell in the castle. The one they contained my magic in.

''Is that..?'' Sebastian asks in a hesitant voice.

Before he can finish I nod. He doesn't say a word. We both know what this means. One goblin unleashes the container and seems to control the magic flowing out of it, turning it into a ball of magic. As he casts it towards the defensive charms and it hits them, the entire wall of charms breaks and the goblins start walking towards the castle.

''This is it,'' I mumble in a low voice.

Sebastian quickly squeezes my hand, which brings me some comfort in this miserable situation. As the goblins come closer Natty, Sebastian and I are surrounded by other students coming to back us up. The goblins start swinging their swords, trying to attack everyone in their way. At this point, I don't care if anyone sees me using my ancient magic. Since it is the ancient magic bringing them here, I doubt it will stay hidden for very much longer no matter what I do.

There are too many goblins taking over the castle, so I can't take them all out. I take a deep breath, trying to focus on my magic and cast something really powerful. My body feels exhausted from trying to conjure such strong magic, but in my head I hear Professor Fig's voice telling me that I'm stronger than I know. At that very thought, I unleash the magic and I'm sure that I can see at least 20 goblins floating in the air before they quickly get smashed into the ground. I let out an exhausted breath and kneel down to the ground. Sebastian quickly wraps his arms around me, hugs me firmly before he lifts me back up on my feet. He has some blood splatter on his face.

''That was insane,'' he says in a low voice, yet sounding impressed.

His touch and his words strengthen me, but I know there's more to come. Maybe it was stupid of me to exhaust myself already, but I know I still have more to give.

The battle continues and the castle is getting more destroyed for each second that passes. The goblins are fewer, but so are the students. In the courtyard, Professor Garlick has released a bunch of chinese chomping cabbages and placed out a few venomous tentaculas that weaken the goblins significantly. There are maybe 30 goblins in the courtyard, all fighting different people. I am fighting for my life when I see Garreth in the corner of my eye. He's taking a sword in his arms and his scream from pain gives me chills.

''Help him!'' I yell at Sebastian, who quickly starts running over to Garreth who struggles to stay on his feet.

I'm busy fighting five different goblins, but I can see Sebastian kneeling next to Garreth. There's no longer any goblins next to them, just the two of them. This is my chance to get rid of the last goblins on the courtyard, however I need someone to protect me as I'm an open target. Professor Weasley sees me and runs over to help me.

''Protect me for a minute, will you?'' I ask her, almost out of breath from fighting.

She takes care of the goblins after casting a strong protection charm around me. I kneel, trying to summon as much of my ancient magic that I possibly can. My body is exhausted and my mouth tastes like blood. I feel how my magic is almost overflowing and as I release a scream together with the magic. The goblins are starting to levitate in the air, screaming for help. I am filled with fury and seeing each and everyone of them catch on fire is almost satisfying at this moment. A small fire starts sparking at their feet, then consuming each and everyone of them. My body feels weak and my vision is starting to get blurry. Helplessly I fall to the ground and everything goes black.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now