Chapter 24: The First Day of Spring

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There is no longer any snow on the ground and some sprouts are starting to pop out in the ground. Everything is indicating that things are getting brighter and that summer is soon to be here. However, it's only April which means that there is still plenty of time until summer is actually here. The year passed quickly and it has been intense. My relationship with Sebastian has been taking steps forward, just to take three steps back the next day. But I finally feel as if we're in a genuinely good place. He seems to slowly forgive himself and I hope that he allows himself to do so.

The sun is warming my face and my steps feel light. I'm heading into the Forbidden Forest as I'm meeting Sebastian at an enchanted lake he told me about. I have spent quite some time in the forest, but have never seen it. He described it as a magical place. I have a picnic basket with me filled with bread, jams and pumpkin juice. When I cannot find my way any further I stop at a big tree, hoping that Sebastian will also walk the same route as me and that he can lead me to the lake from here.

The shadows from the trees make it feel a bit chiller than in the sun, but this is still the first day where I can go outside without a knitted sweater. In the far distance I see Sebastian. He's walking towards me with light steps and his head down. He looks stunning. When he sees me he lights up.

''Ah, if it isn't my favourite person,'' he says with a big smile on his face.

''Hello there,'' I say, smiling back.

''It's kind of hard to find your way from here,'' he tells me. ''Follow me.''

I walk a step behind him and notice that his hair looks a bit different. I don't remember the last time I noticed something different about his hair, but it looks good on him. It's a short walk and we are suddenly standing by a lavender lake that looks shimmering. It reminds me of a potion.

''Here we are,'' Sebastian says and looks proud. ''It's quite the gem. I found it when I was wandering around the other week and I just knew I had to take you here.''

''Thank you,'' I tell him sincerely. ''I even brought something to eat.''

''You're so thoughtful,'' he says and gives me a grateful look. ''Thank you, love.''

This isn't the first time he called me something like 'love' or 'darling' but it still makes my heart flutter and my cheeks go red. He glances at me and grins.

''Oh, you know how pretty I think you are when you're blushing,' he says softly, making me blush even more. ''Let's sit.''

I put the picnic gear on the ground and sit down next to him. He takes a piece of bread and some jam. It feels so peaceful being here with him, as if nothing in the world could ever go wrong. What's scaring me is that I feel like even if everything would go wrong, I still have everything I need if he is next to me.

''I'm sorry I didn't know about your birthday,'' Sebastian says after admiring the lake for a while.

''Oh, you really don't have to be. I didn't tell you and I didn't even know about yours,'' I tell him in a kind voice. ''No need for apologies.''

''I wanted to give you something,'' he looks down and takes something out of his pocket.

It's a small box. He hands it over to me.

''Open it,'' he insists.

I open it carefully and I see a small heart shaped silver pin lying inside of the box. It's beautiful.

''Oh, Sebastian,'' I say with a grateful smile. ''You didn't have to.''

''Look closer,'' he says and smiles.

I take the pin out of the box and look closer. I see the letter S engraved on one side of the heart. I gasp for air.

''It's stunning,'' I tell him and quick kiss. ''Thank you so much.''

''I was thinking that you could wear it on your sleeve,'' he says and pulls his hand through his hair. ''You know, so you can wear my heart on your sleeve.''

My eyes light up with joy. It may be a small gesture that he's done, but it means the world to me. It's small, thoughtful and I love his idea of his heart on my sleeve. He puts it on the sleeve of my Slytherin robe and the pin sparkles as the sun hits it. For a long moment, we sit there and talk about everything that comes to our minds. About love, loss, the future, about our last year at Hogwarts next year. Time ceases to exist and there is nothing except for the two of us.

''I've been thinking about something,'' he says gently. ''Do you remember when we were in the Room of Requirement and I told you I hadn't figured out what you should call me?''

I nod. Of course I remember. How could I forget the butterflies that almost consumed me when Sebastian asked me to stop calling him my friend, and that he hadn't figured out what I should call him.

''I think I know,'' he says with a slight smile on his face. ''I want to be yours, like for real. Not just some first boyfriend that you'll look back at in the future. I want to be your boyfriend, your best friend, your future husband. I want all of it.''

The butterflies are back. And if I thought they had been intense before it's nothing compared to now. I feel my cheeks burning and I give him a big smile. Everything feels so perfect with him. It's like all my life I have waited for him and now that I have him, all the pieces fall right into place.

''You're so silly,'' I say with a smile. ''I'm yours.''

He smiles. I haven't seen him look this happy in a long time.

''I love you,'' he says in a low voice, looking into my eyes.

''And I love you,'' I tell him.

He kisses my forehead and takes my hand, holding it firmly.

''And for now, I think it's best if you call me your boyfriend,'' he says softly.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now