Chapter 20: Amortentia

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One week has passed and Sebastian has not said a single word to me. I once caught him looking at me in the Great Hall, but that is the only interaction I have gotten from him the past week. Ominis told me to give it some time, that he's just upset, but I have a nibbling feeling telling me that this won't pass too quickly.

As I walk into the potions classroom I see Sebastian sitting with Milena. Even though I know she's not romantically interested in him, I still don't like her. I sit down next to Garreth who looks happy to see me. We haven't spoken since he tried to kiss me in the dungeon, but I figure that it won't be awkward unless I make it awkward. I see Sebastian burning his eyes into me. As soon as I glance his way, he looks away.

''Did  you have a good holiday?'' I ask him nicely.

''Well, it's good to see you too.'' He says and grins. ''But yes, I did. It's always nice to come home and leave the castle for a bit. You stayed here, didn't you?''

''I did. I need to overcompensate for my first five years at Hogwarts being lost.'' I joke. He smiles back at me. He has really beautiful green eyes, which I never noticed before.

''Did you hear that we're making amortentia today?'' He says as he leans a little closer to me. I give him a confused look. ''The love potion.'' He clarifies and gives me a smile.

I feel Sebastian's eyes burning, but I can't look his way another time. It feels awkward, but of course, I'm the only one who's aware of it. Professor Sharp enters the classroom, making the entire room go silent. His shoes make a funny noise as he walks over to his desk.

''I assume you're all familiar with Amortentia. Potentially one of the strongest potions in the world.'' He says in a monotone voice. ''Some people refer to it as 'The Love Potion'. But I'd like to dismiss that. It causes obsession, not love. It is an extremely dangerous potion, but when used incorrectly it can be lethal.''

Professor Sharp gives the class a warning eye as he proceeds to explain how to make it properly.

''Did you know that it smells differently to everyone?'' Garreth whispers. I shake my head. ''It's supposed to smell like whatever you're attracted to.''

Professor Sharp gives Garreth a furious look and glues his eyes onto him.

''Impressive knowledge, Weasley. But I'd prefer if you let me be the teacher. I think Y/n is very much capable of finding out everything about this potion on her own.'' Sharp spits and Garreth looks ashamed.

The class is laughing, everyone except for Sebastian who instead looks satisfied that Garreth seems to have made a fool out of himself. Then he glares at me. I look away quickly, almost as if I'm afraid of having eye contact with him. The feeling of his eyes burning me does not go away and I suspect he's still looking at me, very much aware of how nervous he's making me.

Brewing the potion goes better than I expected. However, the liquid in my cauldron turns into a navy blue color instead of the sheen pearl-color it's supposed to have. It reminds me of Sebastian's suit on New Year's Eve. I quickly let the flashback pass as I proceed with my potion. After some help from Professor Sharp it manages to get the right color. I think about what Garreth told me earlier, how it's supposed to smell like whatever you're attracted to. I'm convinced it's just a myth until I lean forward over my cauldron and manage to separate the different smells from each other. I smell old books, Earl Grey tea and something I recognize, but I can't just place it. It smells woody and musky, yet a little spicy.

Garreth sticks his head in front of me.

''Fascinating, huh?'' He asks with a grin on his face.

''I actually didn't think you'd be right.'' I admit. He looks proud. ''I would have given Gryffindor five points for that, but I guess Sharp disagrees.''

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now