P2 Chapter 11: To The Rescue

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Sebastian's POV

It's been three days since I saw Y/n and at this point I had gotten extremely worried. On Sunday, I simply assumed she was doing her own business. But on Monday, when she didn't show up to our classes I started getting worried. No one had seen her around since Saturday evening when the new quidditch team was announced. When I asked around, no one seemed to know anything. However, Imelda mentioned that Y/n had seemed off the last days, which I had also noted and asked her about. After potions class I grasp for Imelda's arm to talk to her.

''Are you completely sure she didn't say anything?'' I ask her impatiently.

She shakes her head as she keeps going.

''There must be something!'' I sigh with a frustrated voice. ''I know it's wrong, but can't you go through her things?''

Imelda gives me an intrigued look.

''Oh, you know me,'' she says with a smirk. ''I have already gone through them, but that was a year ago. I can do it again if it means we have any chances of finding her.''

Ominis walks up behind us. He and Imelda had spent some time together, but it seems as if they can't have back what they used to have. She is doing her very best and he talks about her all the time, but for some reason they just can't get together. I will never understand love.

''I think we should tell a professor,'' he interrupts.

''I agree,'' I say whilst nodding and looking for a reaction on Imelda's face. ''I'm just confused why they aren't looking for her already.''

''I'll talk to someone and you try to find clues,'' Ominis says as he turns around, going back to Professor Sharp.

Imelda and I head to the common room together. Since Y/n's disappearance I haven't had time to think about the date I took her on. And after it, she acted as if nothing had happened. However, something in my gut is telling me that it's not really over between us. There's still something there that keeps drawing us to each other.

''Did Y/n talk to you about our date?'' I ask Imelda, desperate for some information.

''Not much,'' she says in a low voice. ''Mostly how you drive her insane. And I don't really know if she meant it like a good thing or a bad thing. Anyway, I'll be back in a bit.''

She walks off to their dormitory, leaving me behind. I go and sit by the window facing the Black Lake, where Y/n always sits when she wants to be alone. I never saw the charm in this spot until now. It's really soothing to look out into the lake and just observe everything that lives in it. This might be the first moment I feel a small piece of peace ever since I realized she was missing. I had looked everywhere in the castle and combed through the entire Forbidden Forest, but there were no traces of her. I just hope that she is okay. After what feels like forever, Imelda is walking towards me with two letters in her hand.

''I found this,'' she says and waves them. ''They sounded pretty threatful, but I think I know where she is. Clagmar Coast.''

''Give them to me,'' I spit as I grasp for them.

I quickly unfold them and see it. Threats to hurting the people she cares about. At first I'm upset that she didn't tell anyone, but I also understand her. I know how much and how deeply she cares for her friends. But nonetheless, if she would have told us we could have helped her.

''We need to go there, now!'' I tell Imelda quickly. ''Find Ominis and meet me in the Forbidden Forest, the lake crawling with Dugbogs. Ominis knows where it is. We need to apparate out of here.''

I rush through the castle and out into the forest. I need to get out of here quickly, but I also need to gather myself. What if she's hurt? What if she's dead? The thought kills me and I need to calm myself down. I'm so upset because no matter what has happened to her, it's all out of my power. I can just hold onto the hope that she is strong enough to survive and smart enough to outsmart anyone she encounters.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now