Chapter 23: Pieces Fall Into Place

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February passes quickly and I can feel Ominis' plan catching my thoughts more often than I'd like. He hasn't given us any information on how it's going, what he got back after sending the first letter or what he plans on doing against his family. I am getting pressed as I know the other Keepers need more information too. I'm unsure how they are going to help him, but they once implied that they still have very strong connections in the 'living world' despite them being dead for long.

Ominis had spent more time with Imelda lately and he seemed to follow her everywhere. After all, Imelda was rather busy with quidditch most of the time so during most of our practice sessions Ominis was sitting on the bleacher. I found it incredibly sweet that he would be there even though he couldn't see what was going on.

It's getting warmer and brighter outside by the day and this is the first time in a long time when the sun hasn't fully set before our quidditch practice ends. The team spirit is good and we have practised longer and harder after Christmas. I had given the team a speech on how talent means nothing without practise, which inspired our team to practise harder and to win the cup. Imelda was relieved since she had tried to accomplish exactly that since the quidditch season started but no one seemed too interested. After tonight's practice I walk back to the castle with Imelda and Ominis. I notice that they are holding hands, but I say nothing about it.

''Do you and Sebastian wanna follow us to Hogsmeade for a butterbeer or two?'' Imelda asks sincerely. She has been much nicer ever since Valentine's day and seems in general way calmer.

''Tonight?'' I ask.

''Mhm,'' Imelda hums in a happy tone. ''We are just dropping off my quidditch things, then we leave. It would be so much fun if the two of you came along.''

I tell Imelda and Ominis to give me some time to find Sebastian. After all, it's rather difficult finding someone whose whereabouts are unknown. But I start searching the Common Room, then head to the library where I see him sitting between some bookshelves. His face is buried in a massive book and he doesn't even notice when I walk up closer to him.

''Do you have plans for tonight?'' I interrupt him.

''Well hello there,'' he looks up from his book with a smile. ''I do, but I'd cancel any of my plans to spend time with you.''

''Imelda and Ominis invited us to come with them for some butterbeer,'' I explain.

''Well, I have barely seen Ominis lately. So this might as well be my last chance to spend some time with the two of you. Of course we're joining them,'' he smirks and starts putting the book away. ''Has he spoken to you about his plan?''

''Nothing at all,'' I tell him and we exchange a disappointed look. ''Did he tell you what his family wrote back?''

''They were glad to hear that he helped you with such an important matter. And that they were thrilled to see him finally understanding the importance of dark magic,'' Sebastian says in a very low voice. ''I'm concerned for him.''

''Wow,'' I struggle to let the word even slip out of my mouth. There are no words to describe how terribly sorry I am for Ominis.

Sebastian gives me an understanding nod, as if he knows what I'm thinking and he agrees. We meet Imelda and Ominis outside of the Slytherin common room and start walking to Hogsmeade together. Ominis looks at peace next to her. Lately he has seemed awfully stressed and disorientated, but next to her he looks as if it doesn't matter if the world is ending tomorrow because he has her. I wonder if me or Sebastian look like that next to each other. Or what people think when they see us.

The walk is comforting and I'm starting to know the route to Hogsmeade like the back of my hand. Imelda keeps talking about quidditch, which only seems of any interest to me. There is some sort of tension between me, Sebastian and Ominis. We all know that it's almost time to make sure the prophecy doesn't come true, but Imelda is luckily unaware.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now