Pt 2 Chapter 27: Fears And Dreams

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Sebastian's state had been critical for days and I had barely left his side in the Hospital Wing. He couldn't get any words out, so I just sat there and spoke to him constantly so he knew I'd be there. He had been hit by a goblin sword in the back, lost a lot of blood and some of the damages seemed to be irreversible, Nurse Blainey had explained. If it wasn't for Poppy's essence of dittany, he wouldn't have survived.

''He's a strong one,'' Nurse Blainey says over my shoulder in a friendly tone.

''How much longer will he be like this?'' I ask in a serious tone.

''If we're lucky, just another day or two,'' she says calmly. ''But if we're unlucky, it might be longer.''

She gives me a considerate smile and looks at Sebastian.

''I believe you have visitors, Mr Sallow,'' she says and smiles at him.

I had spent many days talking to Nurse Blainey. She was kind and clever, as well as a good listener. But what I like most about her is that even if Sebastian didn't speak, she always spoke to him and didn't care about the fact that he didn't respond. I see Ominis and Imelda walking over to his bed, where I'm sitting and holding his hand. They both have some gifts in their hands, Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans and some chocolate frogs. Both of them had come here every day since he was put here.

''Hi,'' I say to them in a soft voice.

''Any improvements?'' Ominis asks carefully.

''No, not really,'' I tell them in a disappointed voice.

Sebastian seems to be half awake, glancing at us all.

''Hi, love,'' I say to him and kiss his forehead and squeeze his hand. He looks at me, his eyes look tired but they look kind. It feels almost as if he's saying that he loves me with them, but I might as well just be my imagination.

''People are talking about you,'' Imelda says in a serious tone and looks at me. ''After what that goblin said. That thing about how they came here because of you.''

''Are the teachers saying anything?'' I ask in a low voice.

''No, not very much I'm afraid,'' Ominis says in a sympathetic voice.

''For Merlin's sake...'' I mumble.

''Hey, it's going to be alright,'' Ominis tries to comfort me.

I stand up and start wandering around Sebastian's bed. He doesn't take his eyes away from me.

''I don't know what to do,'' I admit. ''I have no clue and this is getting way bigger than I ever thought.''

''I know,'' Imelda says in a warm tone. ''But you have us. We will fight with you.''

''She's right,'' Ominis agrees.

''That's not the thing,'' I say to them. ''The problem is that the goblins attacked the school because they wanted me. The entire school shouldn't have to be dragged into my problems.''

''After you protected Hogwarts two years ago, I think everyone would gladly fight to protect you. And the school,'' Ominis says kindly. Imelda nods in agreement.

I walk out into the corridor to calm myself down. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and I wipe them away with the Slytherin robe. The heart pin feels cold against my skin and I look at it, feeling a bit easier. But it's not enough to stop myself from crying. Why did I have to be the one with this power? Why couldn't I just be a regular student? Because of this, I now have to carry what feels like the weight of the world on my back. Ominis and Imelda leaves, but before they go they both give me a comforting hug.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now