P2 Chapter 15: Starry Sky

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Author's note:

Hi sweeties,

I hope you all are doing well and as always - a big thank you to all of you. You really are the sweetest people on this planet. I just wanted to let you know that this is the final chapter for this week as I'm away this weekend. Take care ♡

Trigger warning: This chapter contains alcohol and potential romanticizing of alcohol.


It is the first weekend in October when Slytherin is playing their first game of quidditch for the year against Gryffindor. The sun is shining and it had been a good while since we last saw it. The atmosphere in the castle is great when I head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I'm one of the first people at the Slytherin table, so I sit alone and have some bread with a glass of pumpkin juice. I notice the majority of the Gryffindor quidditch team staring me down, so I stare back. If there's one thing I won't allow, it's people getting into my head. So I stare at their new seeker until he is looking rather uncomfortable. This is going to be easy. Ominis and Anne eventually interrupts me when they sit down next to me.

''You have no idea how much I missed looking at quidditch,'' Anne says in a happy tone as she fills up a bowl with rice pudding.

''Slytherin has to win this year,'' Ominis says in a serious tone. ''Got it under control, Y/n?''

''Oh yes,'' I say whilst nodding. ''Before you came, I was trying to stare into the Gryffindor Seeker's soul so he would be scared before the game. We'll see how it turns out. ''

''So that's what you were doing,'' Anne says with a laugh. ''I thought you had gone mad or gotten petrified.''

''No,'' I laugh. ''Just psychological game tactics.''

''It better work,'' Ominis says before he takes a sip of pumpkin juice.

As we walk into the quidditch field I see Imelda looking incredibly focused. Before, she gave us a speech on how important today's game is and if we don't win we can kiss our chances of winning the cup goodbye. As we enter the field the entire Slytherin bleacher is cheering so loud that the other bleachers combined don't stand a chance. I see Poppy standing with Sebastian, Ominis and Anne. It makes me happy to see her with them, since she normally stays by herself.

Gryffindor quickly takes the lead, making five goals in a very short time and the golden snitch is nowhere to be seen. I fly up high, looking out for it and see Gryffindor make yet another goal, while Slytherin has none. The Gryffindor bleacher is going absolutely feral. I fly around, looking all over and finally manage to catch a glimpse of it over the Gryffindor bleacher. I quickly fly over there and start chasing it. It flies up high into the sky and the sun is burning my eyes, but I refuse to let it stop me from taking my eyes off the snitch. The Gryffindor seeker is flying a bit behind me, giving me some advantage. Eventually, the snitch turns around and starts diving back down. I turn around quickly, but the Gryffindor seeker is ahead of me now. I push every limit of myself and my broom and manage to fly past him. Finally, my hand reaches for the snitch and I close my hand around it. Slytherin has won.

I descend and land on the ground, the entire Slytherin team is standing with their arms around me and hyping me. Imelda still looks stressed, but there is a sense of relief in her eyes. The bleacher is jumping and screaming, I look up and is instantly filled with joy. This must be one of the best moments in my entire life.

I've got a feeling that the Slytherins are going to host a crazy party tonight because the vibe in the common room is insane and there is already a celebration going on in there. It normally goes like this. Celebration in the common room that all Slytherins are welcome to, followed by a party for the 6th and 7th-years. A first-year that I haven't noticed before walks up to me.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now