Pt 2 Chapter 13: The Hospital Wing

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After two days in the cottage we managed to apparate and get ourselves to the castle. Since it's impossible to apparate to the school grounds, we had to walk from the Forbidden Forest which was a challenge. Both Sebastian and I were exhausted. Mostly me, but this trip had taken a lot of his energy as well. He had taken me to the hospital wing right away, where I had been for the last two days. I was starting to feel better, but also feeling restless from lying in bed all day. My friends were eager to see me, which was a good way to pass time. Natty walks at me with a sad face, but kindly giving me a smile.

''Why would you leave the castle like that?'' she asks in a slightly upset tone. ''This isn't like you. Did something happen?''

Of course, people had only heard that I had left the castle and gotten hurt. Not the full story, which I'm thankful for. But I figured that soon enough I'm going to have to tell some teachers about this, because I have a nudging feeling that the goblin rebellion won't end here.

''I got a threatful letter, saying that they would hurt my loved ones if I didn't show,'' I tell her.

''And you simply accepted it?'' Natty asks, still in an upset tone, and tilts her head. ''You could have told us about it, or at least warn us. And let us help you.''

I look away. I feel terrible about not telling anyone, but in my defence I had no idea  what awaited me. It could have been someone who simply wanted a material thing they considered to be theirs, at least I tell myself that. But the fact still stays, I had no clue what to expect until I walked into the castle.

''I just didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt,'' I try to defend myself and Natty gives me a miserable smile.

''You can't protect everyone,'' she tilts her head.

She sits with me for a while, but when she sees Garreth in the doorway she raises an eyebrow at me and leaves. When I see him, I realize that I barely gave him any thoughts the last few days but I am glad to see him. He smiles and gives me a hug.

''Well, I heard you've been on an adventure,'' he says as he sits down on the chair next to me. He hands over a chocolate frog and smiles.

''That's one way to put it,'' I tell him and force a laugh.

''I was worried about you,'' he looks sincere. ''So I'm glad to see that you're back here.''

''I'm also glad to be back,'' I say with a smile.

He looks at me for a bit with slightly pained eyes.

''I know we haven't spent too much time together,'' Garreth begins. ''But I hope you know that next time you go on an adventure like this, you don't have to do it alone.''

I look at him and feel a lump in my stomach. I care a lot about him, but out of all my friends at Hogwarts he is not the first one I'd bring on something like this. As a matter of fact, I would never even tell him what actually happened to me when I was away. Parts of me want to like him romantically, but I just don't feel the spark. And at this point, I know that the sparks and fireworks are vital for me. Yet, there's a voice in my head saying that I haven't given him a proper chance yet. But my gut knows already. I figure that I don't even need to tell Garreth about my feelings. After all, we have only been on one date and kissed twice.

''I know,'' I tell him sincerely and smile.

Garreth really is a good friend. He is the kind of person who always lightens the mood and cheers up the people around him. His visit really cheered me up, even if it felt a bit awkward on my behalf since he didn't even know half of what happened. And because I had no intentions to tell him. But nonetheless, I always feel a little happier with him around. Right after he leaves I fall asleep to the sound of rain falling on the massive windows. It's very comforting and I sleep really well.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now