Pt 2 Chapter 24: A Hogwarts Christmas

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Sebastian's POV

As I wake up on Christmas Day, I feel like a little kid again. Next to my bed I have four carefully wrapped Christmas gifts and I'm so excited to give them away. I prepared one for the people I care about at Hogwarts. One for Y/n, Anne, Ominis and Imelda. It felt weird getting a present for Imelda as we were never really that close, but we had spent some time together lately and it really is in my interest to care about her as she is Y/n's best friend and Ominis' girlfriend. They got back together a week ago. This resulted in Ominis, who usually kept things to himself, talked about her constantly. It was getting a bit annoying at this point, but given how much he's heard me talk about Y/n it's only fair that I listen to him. I get out of bed, put on a knitted sweater and head down to the common room.

Right in front of the window facing the Black Lake, Y/n's normal spot, is a massive christmas tree standing tall. It appears to be covered in snow and carefully decorated, giving the common room the exact right amount of Christmas feelings. Y/n's face lights up as she sees me, so does Anne's. I feel my heart getting warmer as I see two of my favourite people looking so incredibly happy. They all have cups of hot chocolate in their hands and Imelda quickly pours another cup and offers it to me.

''Merry Christmas,'' I say to them with a gentle smile.

''Merry Christmas,'' they all respond at the same time.

I sit down on the couch next to Y/n. She's in a knitted burgundy sweater with snowflakes on it, her hair braided into two dutch braids and looks incredibly beautiful. I take a sip of the hot chocolate, it tastes incredible.

''So, I was thinking that we could exchange gifts in the Undercroft later today,'' Anne says in a kind voice.

''That's a great idea,'' Y/n's voice is higher pitched than normal, indicating that she's in a really good mood today.

''I agree,'' Ominis says softly.

''Let's meet there after dinner, shall we?'' Anne asks with a smile. ''I'm spending the day outside, so I'd rather not do it before dinner.''

''Alone?'' Imelda asks with an intrigued voice, her face indicates that she's eager for information.

''No,'' Anne says and looks away, her cheeks flushing. Is she seeing someone?

''Do you have a date?'' I tease her, her eyes light up with joy and she nods carefully.

''With whom?'' Y/n asks quickly.

''Probably Poppy,'' Ominis responds with a cheeky smile and Anne's face is getting more red than before. She nods.

''Oh,'' Y/n says, sounding slightly surprised. ''I love that for you! Tell Poppy I said hi.''

My hand searches for Y/n's and I carefully intertwine our fingers. I squeeze her hand gently and she puts her head on my shoulder. Imelda gives us a smile, then looks at Ominis and Anne.

''I'm going to get ready for the day,'' she says and stands up. ''Anne, I'll see you tonight. Ominis, let's meet in the Great Hall in a bit.''

They all wander off, leaving me and Sebastian alone. She looks at me with sparkling eyes.

''Merry Christmas,'' she says with a big smile.

''Merry Christmas, darling,'' I say to her and kiss her forehead. ''I just assumed we'd spend the day together, but I realize that's not how I want to do it. Y/n, will you spend the day with me?''

Her eyes light up even more, if that's possible. She nods and gives me a big smile.

''Thought you'd never ask,'' she says with a cheeky smile. ''I'm all yours.''

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now