P2 Chapter 4: Twin Flame

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I wake up feeling full of energy. This is the first night in some days where I have actually gotten eight hours of good sleep. I still feel fiery after my conversation with Sebastian in the Undercroft, but most of all I feel powerful in a way I haven't before. Like I have so many options to explore and none are written in stone. Before, everything felt so crystal clear with him but now I'm unsure. And frankly, it's quite relaxing to know that whatever is meant to be, will be.

The autumn sun is making itself noticed, making the entire castle have a warm glow inside. This would be the perfect day to play quidditch, but of course the try-outs haven't even taken place yet. Since I woke up early I decide to head outside before my morning class in potions. The sun is warming my face and the entire castle is surrounded by yellow leaves. The air is crisp and fresh, making me feel warm inside. I walk down to the boathouse since I think the view over the Black Lake is incredible from there.

The sun is making the lake glitter and there are yellow leaves as far as my eyes can see. It's absolutely beautiful and I wish I could just get on my broom and fly until I have seen every single tree, but this will have to wait since my time is rather limited. I notice someone sitting on the dock, swinging their feet above the water. As I walk closer I recognize the Slytherin robe as well as the hair. It looks like Anne.

''Anne?'' I ask and the person turns around. Very correctly, it's Anne.

''Oh, hi Y/n,'' she says in a soft voice. ''You're out early.''

''I could say the same for you,'' I reply as I sit down next to her, stunned by the view.

''I'm just trying to get as much out of Hogwarts as possible,'' she says whilst looking down at her swinging feet. ''You know, since I missed so much.''

''The feeling is mutual,'' I say and look at her with a smile.

''Yeah, I can only imagine how much you must feel like you missed,'' she gives me a kind smile.

We sit, looking at the sun and the lake together. For some time we are silent, which oddly enough doesn't feel uncomfortable at all. Sometimes it's weird to sit in silence with someone you barely know, but with Anne it feels natural. After all, we have been through some bad things together. Even if we barely knew each other, lots of our pain was mutual.

''The pain,'' I begin to ask her. ''Is it bearable?''

Anne gives me a disappointed face.

''Unfortunately it's not,'' she says with a sad smile on her face. ''But I'm going to live with this for the rest of my life and I don't want to let everything go to waste because of it. I must try to make the most out of life.''

''That's very strong of you,'' I tell her sincerely. ''You have been through more pain than one should experience in a lifetime. I really admire you for coming back.''

She gives me a kind smile. Her face looks pale with massive bags under her eyes. Just like all the other times I've seen her. She looks so exhausted, but she still continues to make the most out of her life. I find it really admirable.

''Thank you Y/n,'' she says with a sincere voice. ''That's really kind of you to say. I really see why Sebastian is so fond of you.''

I feel my cheeks flushing slightly, but I quickly try my very best to collect myself to not let my feelings get the best of me. Anne stands up and starts walking away. I sit a bit longer, taking in the view and the crisp air. Eventually, I have been at the lake for so long that I don't have time for breakfast before class. But even though I'm on an empty stomach, I feel more energized than I have in a long time.

I sit down next to Garreth, who has been my companion in potions ever since the time we brewed amortentia together. He's funny and always lightens my mood. As soon as I step foot in the classroom he greets me and I pretend to head over to a different seat, just to pull a joke on him. He, however, is not as pleased when I come back to the seat next to him.

for the hope of it all // Sebastian Sallow x readerWhere stories live. Discover now