TWENTY FIVE [The chaotic date]

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It was finally time for your date but you didn't know where you were going you went to ask him and he said lazar tag. You tilted your head in confusion and he showed you the tickets he bought, not wanting to disappoint him you sighed and said that you would love to go. You went to check what kind of clothes you had to wear to lazar tag and you chose a TxT shirt and jeans. You wore your high tops and a chained belt, you walked out of the room and saw he was still changing you sighed and waited outside the door. He came out and dragged you inside the room.


"Hey, you look nice.."

"What happened?"

"I lost my shirt."

"Pick another one."

"No as in dick shirt...condom."

"For what?!" [Your face turns red]

"Uhg, my plan was to lazar tag hypothetically but it would be a fancy dinner place and I would offer to please you but I lost it."

You listened and snickered you hugged him and called him a romantic, he sat on the bed and told you to pick someone else  said no. He begged and kicked you out of the room, you didn't know what to do so you went to your room and started to talk to him and he was still ranting about ruining the date. You told him it was ok and you would be fine he offered to watch a movie instead of going out and you said no. Han burst into your room and said that he would take you on a much better date then everyone else came in and argued about who would take you. You sneaked out of the room and ran outside the campus, you sighed and then you saw Woojin drinking. You started to walk away then you heard your name being called you ignored it until you felt someone drag you. Before you knew it your body was right next to his, you pulled away and told him to leave you alone. This caused him to go on a rant about how much he missed you and wanted you back. You snapped and asked him many affairs did he have while you were together and he said it wasn't an affair it was a friendly thing. Your blood started to bubble and told him that your happy and don't need him anymore, he starts to use the same tactics he used on you the first time and you slap him across his face. He smiled and pulled you into a kiss, you couldn't let go and he finally pulled away and told you that you still loved him. He wasn't wrong you did miss him and the constant arguing was getting on your nerves but never the less you dealt with it. You continued to talk and went to a near bar to get drinks you knew it was a bad idea but you were careful and watched his behaviour. You went back to the dorm room and they were still arguing you went into the kitchen and started to cook some dinner. Lee Know came out of his room and hugged your waist and placed his head on your shoulder, you smiled and shared out the food. You were walking to him when Han bumped into you spilling the food, this caused you to scream out in anger. 


"Jeez, i'm sorry."


"Y/n he's sorry."


Breakup? lol too early just a falling out

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