Chapter 37

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"Mother, Father, I have a request," muttered Wednesday, looking at her hands as she waited.

"Yes, darling?"

Her family had come to visit her now that she was back in her dorm, and they had been nothing but a nuisance. She wanted to sit in silence awhile, and simply enjoy the quietness. The entire time she had been in comatose, she had heard nothing but the frequent beeps of the monitor and the pleadings of different people. But she figured no one would understand her reasoning, and she sighed in defeat.

"I would like your assistance in finishing a project me and Xavier started. I am unable to complete it, but I was hoping you and father could assemble a small crew to finish building a shed for his paintings."

Her mother and father shared a look, and she inwardly groaned.

She knew her parents suspected something, long ago perhaps, but now that she was asking favors of them she couldn't help but feel helpless. Did she regret getting involved with Xavier? No, she wouldn't change it for anything. He was her only exception when it came to seeing people. She felt something around him, and it was easy to feel around him. Others made her feel like slamming her head into a wall.

"We would love to help Xavier out. He did save your life!" Her mother agreed, and she and her father began to stand up. Wednesday let out a breath of relief, thankful that the questioning was over.

"Thank you."

They looked at her, shocked she had voiced any sort of appreciation. Morticia smiled, looking down upon her daughter. 

"We will go now, we have some business to attend to. Oh! We will send a small crew out to this shed, but -"

"I will have Enid show you where it is. How soon will it be done?"

Morticia thought a moment, before looking over at Gomez.

"For Xavier, we'll make sure it's done by the end of this week," he smiled.

Morticia grabbed Wednesday's hand and gave it a light peck, and then her father followed suit.

"My little storm cloud, please stay out of trouble! We would like you to make it home in one piece, and not like Thing!"

Thing tapped his reply, causing them to slightly chuckle.

Pugsley shuffled over, looking down at his sister. He leaned down and whispered, Wednesday slightly smiling.

"I was able to handle those bullies at school, and now no one is messing with me!"

He gave her a slight hug, to which she lifted her hand and patted his back.

"I am proud of you, Pugsley. Keep up the good work."

He beamed down at her, then followed her parents as they left the room.

Finally, she could dwell in silence for a while before she was disturbed again. 

She attempted to remove the covers that were draped over her, and she failed to do so without feeling a sharp stabbing pain shoot through her. She winced, clenching her teeth for a moment before sitting up slowly. The stitches rubbed against her shirt, and she hated the sensation. What She immediately pushed the idea to the back of her mind, ignoring the feeling as she slowly stood up. 

Walking over to her typewriter, she pulled the chair out and sat down, scooting it up as she looked down at the keys. Her mind was blank, and she had no idea what she should write about. Every detail of her book came to mind, but what should happen next is the part that left her. She sat there, shifting through ideas before she stood up, grabbing the half-written book and throwing it in the trash. She hobbled back over to her bed, a frustrated sigh escaping her lips.

In the End ~ Wednesday x Xavier ~ SLOW-BURNWhere stories live. Discover now