Chapter 18

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The temperatures started to drop, the winter season had finally arrived.  Wednesday enjoyed the cold air and the fact she could begin wearing sweaters. Her ribs were no longer sore, and her body had rapidly recovered. Over the past week, she and Xavier hung out more often, either going out or hanging in his dorm, after he finished his shift of course. Everyone was beginning to notice their budding relationship, but the two ignored the eyes that lingered a moment longer. They ignored the hushed whispers as they walked through the halls, close enough that every so often their pinkies would brush each other. They had gotten used to their closeness, and were enjoying the company of each other. 

"Has he asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Enid teased.

Wednesday glared before giving her a small smile, shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know, has he?"

Enid gasped, running over to stand in front of Wednesday.

"Has he actually?!"


Enid's shoulders dropped, and she glared back at Wednesday, who was smirking.

"No one was forcing you to lead me on like that."

With that Wednesday turned to grab her jacket and her snood, preparing for the cold weather. She was planning on going with Xavier down to his studio, as she had started taking some painting lessons from him. 

She briskly walked down the staircase and into the courtyard, waiting in their usual spot. He ran up, sporting his grin. 

"Hey. You ready?"

She got up and walked to his side, and began walking down the path. 

They hadn't run into Sheriff Galpin in the past few days, after Wednesday's encounter. She hadn't received any text from her stalker either, which she was both glad for and a little skeptic of. They both stayed silent, allowing Wednesday to roam the topic a bit. She was sure the Sheriff was involved, almost positive. It was just catching him, finding him red handed would be what makes her story believable, plausible. But how was she going to accuse the sheriff of Jericho her stalked, recruiting criminals to help him in his crimes along the way? She dwelled on this, flopping the idea back and forth inside her head.

They reached the door and he held it for her, following her in as the door slammed shut. They began shedding their coats and scarves, or snoods. 

She walked to her stool and sat in front of the blank canvas, Xavier walking slightly to her side.

"Are we attempting the same thing as last time?"

Wednesday nodded, beginning to mix some of the paints together. She started brushing the canvas, the movement becoming more natural over the course of their lessons. He moved forward, adjusting her hand before letting her go at it again. She spread the dark purple, letting the picture reveal itself in time. 


She sat down her paintbrush, leaning back to look at the final product. Xavier studied it, admiring her dedication to perfecting the picture she had in mind. 

It was the raven that kept appearing in her visions, its dark colors swirling around the canvas. This time she added the fire, with the raven emerging from the flames. She hadn't yet figured who or what it represented, but she planned too. She had a sense she would be thoroughly disappointed in herself once she found out who it was, connecting the dots once she had already known the answer.

"It's beautiful. Your art is improving significantly, and in such a short time too. I'm impressed."

He punched her arm playfully before turning and pointing at her others, seeing them lined up against the wall allowed them to see her progression. He had cleared a space just for her, where she could put the ones she did. The truth is he was a head over heels for her, and was willing to devote his time and effort into teaching her more about his passion, or rather his power persay. But he did find himself absorbed in his art, the piece with her playing the cello had to be one of his top favorites. The detail, the way she was passionate about her cello the way he was to his art. 

In the End ~ Wednesday x Xavier ~ SLOW-BURNWhere stories live. Discover now