Chapter 1

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Moving from one case to another was quite interesting, jumping right into another sea of mystery after barely escaping the previous. And now it was moving into a more foreign battle, one that would require her to acquire new skills. Wednesday was definitely surprised at the text she had received on her way home, seeing she had just received the phone from Xavier. Why he gave it to her, she didn't quite know besides what he had told her.  She needed a break, as everything with Tyler and Thornhill had worn her down. But she knew she wouldn't rest easy knowing she was right on the verge of her next case.  She wasn't planning on becoming a slave to technology, but this may test her abilities to compromise.

 A certain boy was lingering on her mind too much for her liking, and she hoped that coming home those thoughts would fade away. As she sat in the backseat, she let her head roam. And every time, she found herself back at the same place she was fighting so hard not to be; her and him at the top of the balcony, him gifting her this phone. She knew she didn't deserve it, his reasoning wasn't at all fair. She sighed, wishing she could sink into her seat. This was going to be a long break.


Once she arrived home, she was warmly greeted by her parents. Disgusting as it may be, she was relieved she had survived the year and got to see them once more. As weak as she considered it to be, she found herself fighting off the urge to smile at the sight of them. Truly disturbing what emotions her family could evoke from her. She quickly willed away the impulse, glaring between the two as she walked toward them.

"Welcome home my little storm cloud! How was your ride home?"

Wednesday sighed. She wasn't in the mood for her somewhat cheery parents. In fact, she was never in the mood for cheeriness at all. It caused her stomach to churn, the acidic gases picking away at her stomach as she painfully looked on.

"It was just fine father. It always goes well."

She began to walk off when her mother called after her.

"Did you make any friends this semester?"

Wednesday rolled her eyes, not caring to discuss anything dealing with Nevermore. It boggled her, that people could engage so easily in small talk. It was useless, pathetic, and inconvenient.

"I don't need friends mother. But if it makes you feel any...better, there are a few people fond of my presence."

She arrived at her room, closing the door before she could hear her mother's response. It's not like she had much to talk about; it's just that she didn't want to share with her mother.

"Finally, I can get to my penmanship and continue where I left off." 

She enjoyed writing, and she made everyone aware of this. Ever since her rejection though, she has only felt more compelled to write, because she knew that she would be a published author one day. The noirette found herself to be a unique author, as she refrained from romance in her books. But sadly, in this romanticized world, if you didn't have a love story, no one cared. She didn't feel discouraged by this realization, rather she thought of how much less competition it would be to sell her book. 

The raven diligently unpacked her bags and sat at her typewriter.  She hadn't taken much to Nevermore and hadn't brought much back. She was desperate to feel the keys beneath the pads of her fingers, as she craved its touch. She began to type when she heard Thing start tapping something at her.

Don't you want to know more about the stalker?

"No, Thing, I will not investigate the stalker at this moment. I feel the need to get back to my writing." She didn't want to focus on Nevermore or anyone there. Especially not a certain person.

In the End ~ Wednesday x Xavier ~ SLOW-BURNWhere stories live. Discover now