Chapter 25

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As Wednesday sat in the back seat, she found herself to be smirking.

She wasn't sure what had compelled her to kiss him just moments before, but it felt right. Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she felt like melting into the seat. 

This break was going to be more tolerable, although her parents always found a way to make her want to puke. She didn't miss their affectionate ways, but she had to admit she missed being home. Her views had changed drastically from the last time she had been there, but she wasn't going to let her parents in on that information. 

As they pulled up to the house, she sighed with relief. 

She got out and began grabbing her bags, Lurch grabbing her cello. Her parents came out to meet her, both of them displaying wide smiles. She didn't return it, but she didn't glare at them either. 

"Hello, my darling! We are so glad you are home," Father announced.

"I don't know where else I'd go," muttered Wednesday. 

She gave them a small smile before she walked passed them, ignoring any further attempts to converse with her.

Wednesday waltzed into her room, Thing following closely behind her. Lurch had already set the cello in there, and she sat down on her bed. She laid back, letting the familiarity of it consume her entirely.  Her thoughts flew to Xavier, the boy she had once tried to banish from her mind. She wondered if he would actually come for Christmas, or if his father would surprise him by returning early. She hoped that he would, so that Xavier got to see him, but she selfishly wished that he would spend the holidays with her instead. Thing began to tap, shaking her from her trance.

"Yes,  I will do that now."

She got off her bed and started putting her things away when a small piece of paper fell from one of her jacket pockets. 

Slowly grabbing it, she unfolded the paper, finding a short, sweet message.

"Until the stars burn out, and all worlds end, until the planets collide, and the suns wither, until the moon's light dies, and the rivers and seas run out until I grow so old that my memories fade away, and my tongue cannot say your name, until my heart beats for the last time, only then... will I maybe stop, maybe."  Love, Xavier (not my quote #noplagiarism)

Her face lit up into a smile, as no one had ever spoken to her in such a poetic way to express how they feel. She wasn't sure when he had slipped it in there, but it must have been on one of their walks. She cradled it in her hands, scanning over it once more before walking to her desk, gently folding it, and placing it in the box her phone had come in. She stood there a moment before getting back to unpacking.


That night she joined her family for dinner, and they were pleased that she had found time to grace them with her presence. They knew she wasn't exactly the most family-oriented, but they enjoyed it when she made time for them to see her. 

"How has school been going, darling?"

Wednesday chewed her food silently, glaring at her father before answering.

"It has been going well."

He nodded, smiling at her before digging back into his plate of food.

"Have you made some more friends?"

Wednesday nodded, grabbing her glass of water.

"When will Xavier be coming over?"

She almost choked on her water, forgetting for a moment that they had invited him. 

In the End ~ Wednesday x Xavier ~ SLOW-BURNWhere stories live. Discover now