- Chapter 3 -

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After my interview I head back to the hotel. It's around 9:45am now and my first shift is at 9pm till 2am which works from me because I like staying up late anyways. When I get into the room Camilla is up and watching tv. "Hey where did you go?" She asked as soon as I entered.

"I... got a job!" I said excitedly. "That's amazing Aurélia!" She said sounding proud of me.

I walk into the room more and went to sit onto my bed. I've been thinking about trying to get Camilla back into school but I don't think it's a good idea she goes to a public high-school right now considering I don't even know how long we will be in this hotel.

"I think you should take online high school courses." I say kind of out of nowhere.

"Whyyyy?" She asked because she hated school. Camilla was never the best student. Had straight Cs and got in trouble quiet often for being bold to her teachers

"Because education is important." I say "plus, you could have a chance to go to college now that we left dad." I added.

"But I'm bad at school. Doing it online would be hard for me." She said pleadingly.

"Fine for now you can take a break." I sigh.

"Maybe I could get a job to." Camilla has thrown out.

"Um Camilla.. incase you haven't noticed you're not good at listening." I stated.

"That's bullshit. Im such a good listener." Say said I think trying to convince herself.

"No. Your really not." I told her. She literally can't listen to save her life. Anything her teacher told her to do something she would completely ignore the directions.

Camilla likes to be the boss of herself and only really works when she wants to. I don't think she's quiet ready for a job. "Fine I won't get a job. I was just trying to help." She says to me after I explain why she couldn't work.

"I know, but don't worry about it I'll take care of us ok?" She looks at me for a second

"ok fine." She finally says.

I giggle a little at the annoyed face she makes and the she has the audacity to throw a pillow at me and she laughing. I stand up on my bed with my pillow in my hand ready to attack her, and then I jump onto her bed and hit her with the pillow. We then break into a full on pillow fight until we both get hungry.


It's 8:00pm now and I'm almost done showering. Our  pizza arrived about 20 minutes ago. Once I was done with my shower I picked out an outfit appropriate for the bar and then I took my curly hair out of the braids and did a half up half down style. I did my makeup which was concealer, a little blush, highlighter, eyeliner, lashes,mascara,and then finally some lipgloss.

Aurélia's outfit:

Aurélia's outfit:

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