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The realization that Frankie despised cold weather had settled in, and even with a jacket, the chill persisted.

She was adamant about not attributing it to her denim shorts; after all, she had paired them with knee-high socks and a long-sleeved top.

Despite having ample funds in her bank account, Frankie resisted the urge to overhaul her wardrobe.

She clung to the same outfits she'd worn since she was twelve, and remarkably, they still fit her.

Despite the changes her body had undergone with each pregnancy, her weight remained a consistent adversary. Her hips and breasts may have gone up a size, but at a glance, she still resembled her ninth-grade self.

Back in ninth grade, she had eagerly embraced the milestone of acquiring her first training bra, and it took another four years before she graduated to a real bra complete with an underwire.

The lingering embarrassment of those early bra-related experiences stayed etched in her mind.

Now, as she contemplated the possibility of having another child, the idea of potential weight gain crossed her thoughts. However, Frankie sternly reminded herself not to succumb to nausea and to guard this secret until the window for an abortion closed.

She scolded herself, recognizing the need to stay focused amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

The cold London air nipped at their skin as the five of them traversed the city throughout the afternoon, pursuing leads until they landed at number five on their list.

Frankie couldn't shake the feeling that this would be the key to finding Shaw.

The workshop they approached seemed discreet, and only one person appeared to be labouring outside. With a knowing look exchanged between Frankie and Gisele, it seemed like a straightforward encounter, one against five.

"Okay, folks, this is number five on our list," Riley declared, directing everyone's attention to the blond man wielding a grappling hook inside the workshop.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as they prepared to confront the mystery man who might hold the answers they sought.

The workshop wasn't your typical setting; it was upgraded with tools that seemed more suitable for breaking through slabs of concrete than crafting conventional car engines.

Frankie couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows, contemplating why she hadn't ventured into such innovative engineering.

The possibilities seemed limitless, and with her expertise, she could be making a fortune. The idea of building a rocket and moving to Mars crossed her mind momentarily.

"Holy shit. What's the dude planning on hunting? Moby Dick?" Roman quipped, eyes fixed on the man's movements.

The oddity of the tools and equipment only fueled their suspicions that this was indeed their target.

Han, with a glance at each of them, prompted a discussion on how they should approach the situation.

"That must be our guy. So, how do you all want to play this?"

The workshop loomed ahead, filled with the whirring sounds of machines and an array of tools that spoke of an unconventional expertise. Frankie found herself without a concrete plan, especially one that involved the entire group.

"Han and I got this. We go in tight, let me do all the talking, and y'all have my back on it," Roman declared, his confidence masking the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Gisele, however, was quick to bring attention to a critical factor, "There is one thing you boys are forgetting," she said, her lips pursed with a thoughtful expression.

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