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Putting the team together was easy because they knew whoever they were bringing in was not going to say no to getting a cut of over one hundred million dollars. You would be stupid if you didn't get in on this plan, but maybe you'd also be smart because Reyes wasn't one to play with.

He sent men to kill them because they had his computer chip.

A small piece of plastic that could be destroyed with water.

Imagine what he'd do when they take his money? It wasn't going to be pretty. They were all going to have targets on their backs.

Frankie had no say regarding the team, she didn't know anyone valuable enough to join them. She knew one guy, but she didn't want to get him involved. He was out making a life for himself in Tokyo with his sister.

How could she ruin that for him?

Frankie only had three close friends her age growing up and one of them she'd only met once, but Kai was someone she considered her close friend.

They lost touch once they got older.

She wouldn't be surprised if he didn't recognise or even remember her.

It's been almost ten years since they last spoke. Ten years since she tried ending her life.

She missed him.

Dom and Brian had managed to get everyone to meet at this warehouse they were borrowing since her brother had hiding places and friends all around the world.

Frankie didn't know who was going to show up, she just hoped that they were smart and knew what they were doing.

If they pulled this off, it would be a dream come true.

Frankie could do whatever she wanted.

She could finally give her son the life he deserved.

He could finally know who his parents were. If Han didn't want to be in his son's life, she was more than okay with that. She wouldn't force him.

They would be okay on their own.

They didn't need to be together either.

She would understand if he just wanted to co-parent.

However, she was still building the courage to tell him the truth. She didn't even know if she was ever going to see him again. She'd do this whole parenting thing without him.

Frankie was gathering all the information that she could about Hernan Reyes, putting it on the table.

Mia noticed her by herself.

They'd barely spoken to each other unless Dom and Brian spoke first. Mia felt like Frankie was upset with her, probably about the whole baby thing.

She wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Mia didn't want to feel guilty about bringing new life into the world, but she did because she knew how her sister struggled when she went through the same thing.

"Hey, you," she smiled as she walked up to her little sister, who gave her a sweet smile as if nothing was wrong.


Frankie sat on top of the table as her older sister stood beside her.

"Are you mad at me for being pregnant?"

Frankie's eyes widened, "What? Why would you think that?"

"Because you looked like you wanted to fight me when I told you I was," Mia frowned, feeling sad that her sister was sad.

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