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Frankie wasn't in the mood to go to the street race, because it was the opposite of fresh air.

However, she did miss this scene. It reminded her of home. Frankie never dabbled in the street racing life after the accident, it was something she never wanted to go back to.

With Jakob gone, she thought that she could, one day, become a better racer than Dom.

A part of her wanted to become just like their father, follow in his footsteps and race for a living.

Now that she was older, she couldn't imagine herself doing any of that anymore even though her father was her biggest inspiration.

Would she ever race again? A real race? She could go over the speed limit to break Dom out of prison and win a bet with Roman, but would she hit the acceleration peddle for nothing?

Frankie didn't want to race unless it was necessary.

There was no point, but if she got the chance to beat Dom one day, she would get behind the wheel faster than The Flash. Frankie has spent years trying to analyze how her older brother drove so she could mimic his form, but she could never figure it out.

She figured out how the rest of them drove in an hour, just not Dom.

She still had money on Jakob being able to beat him. Frankie would pay big bucks to see that.

Like any other street race gathering, an empty parking lot was filled with cars and people. Music was coming from somewhere, dancing, women in booty shorts with glitter glistening on their skin.

Frankie always felt like a stick when looking at all these beautiful women, it was so intimidating. Her confidence would come and go constantly these days, especially after having a baby. The only thing that changed after giving birth was her bra size.

The woman was expecting a bit more thighs and hips, but sadly she was barely able to obtain those.

Han was looking at her as she spoke to Brian and Roman, taking in the length of her body.

It was killing him that he couldn't touch her and hold her the way that he wanted. Even her outfit was turning him on. A white camisole with lace trimming that stopped just after her belly button, no bra, the material clinging to her figure with her denim shorts hanging dangerously low on her hips.

Honestly, he wanted her long legs wrapped around his waist right now.

He swallowed thickly, fidgeting with his fingers and his movements captured Gisele's attention as she sat on her motorbike.

She smirked, "Do you need to be alone?"

They still haven't found a reason to befriend each other. Neither of them could stand the sight of the other. Frankie refused to entertain either of them by asking questions or getting involved, she was just going to let them bicker like children until they got tired and became friends once they found something in common.

The woman was annoyed that they couldn't see what it was that they had in common.

A blind man could see what Gisele and Han have in common.

Han rolled his eyes, not bothering to answer her question as they stood across from each other.

"She's still making you wait, isn't she?"

"Mind your business," Han told her, narrowing his eyes and clenching his jaw. He would never strike a woman, but Gisele was pushing it. She'd probably kick his ass if he even tried to lay a finger on her. He didn't stand a chance.

"Don't worry," Gisele waved him off. "I have tissues if you need them."

He flipped her off, which made her smile. They really couldn't come to a truce.

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEWhere stories live. Discover now