𝟐𝟕 🌶️🌶️

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The street race was a mess, two people died, Dom won and Brian had a tantrum. 

At least he didn't win, so that was good for Frankie. However, Dwight had to get himself caught with meth, which was insanely coincidental and Brian just so happened to get the other spot. 

He was such a sore loser. Frankie knew he was just undercover and she wanted to rat him out to Ramon, but that could only end badly for him. Frankie wasn't that kind of person. She wasn't going to snitch on Brian. 

He might just end up like Letty. 

She was still processing that.

Frankie had known Letty for most of her life, she was like a big sister. The only person she felt comfortable around for a while. Frankie remembered Letty always being obsessed with cars and Dom. She was a tomboy, something they had in common. 

One memory Frankie remembered was when Dom and Letty first started dating, she would follow the couple everywhere. She was a little tick, clinging on to them because they treated her like a princess. She even used to fall asleep between them on the couch or the bed as if they were her parents.

Why had she been through so much? 

Her father died, her brother abandoned them, Dom went to prison, her mother was absent, and she abandoned her son among many other things. 

This was karma. 

Frankie knew she was a horrible person. 

She never wanted her son to know about her problems and why she was so broken. Frankie wouldn't blame him if he decided not to find her and speak to her. Giving him away was something that was supposed to be beneficial to him, but it was beneficial to her. There was no way she could raise a child. She'd be the worst mother on the planet.

He was better off without her in his life.

No one knew about him and she wanted to keep it that way. He'd have a normal life, away from all these bullshit shenanigans. 

Braga's club was packed like it always was, and Fenix wasn't watching her every move for the first time like he normally did. She could finally breathe. So, it was her time to let loose and feel good about herself since she'd been down for obvious reasons. She got to pick her outfit tonight. It's been a while.

Dark blue denim jeans sat at her waist with a halter neck top that was styled like a vest. As usual, she didn't wear a bra, not that she even needed to. Her cup size did go up after giving birth, but she didn't think it was a big deal. She was surprised no one else could see the changes in her body. Then again, she wasn't surrounding herself with the people who knew her and how she normally looked. 

She was moving around the club with a drink in her hand, only to see her brother, Brian and Ramon sitting together.

She wanted to go over there and listen to what they were talking about. 

Frankie was going to walk over there, but she stopped when Ramon got up from the couch after one of his henchmen whispered something in his ear over the music. He left Dom and Brian. The two men exchanged words before Brian decided to get up. Dom didn't seem to care as women surrounded him. It was clear that her brother was having a hard time getting over his girlfriend's death. 

People did grieve in different ways. 

Frankie couldn't judge him like that.

Right now, it would be easier to talk to Brian than to her brother. 

She could explain herself without being interrupted when it came to Brian. Frankie moved through the crowd of people, keeping herself out of Dom's sight as she appeared near Brian. Her fingers wrapped around his wrist, pulling him towards the centre of the many dancing bodies. At first, he was going to decline a dance with this stranger until he realised it was Frankie. 

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