𝟐𝟒 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

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Frankie wasn't an idiot. 

She had a PhD to prove it. 

Another week went by, and she heard certain things that made her ask Dom about it. He told her not to worry, so she didn't. Then she woke up this morning to find herself all alone. Frankie knew what that meant, it was like she was living the events of five years ago all over again. 

They were pulling another job. 

It wasn't that Frankie was upset with them for pulling another job, more so that they kept it from her as if she were a child.

The woman didn't care that they were doing illegal things again, they were already criminals and she was associated with them. The real problem was that they didn't even ask if she wanted to help. 

If it was about helping the people here in the Dominican Republic, she wanted to be part of it. However, Dom didn't think so. Frankie was left to spend time with herself. She hadn't had a conversation with Han since he confessed. She didn't tell anyone. She didn't think it was her secret to tell people. 

Honestly, how could she judge him?

Han had given her the motive for the murder he had committed with his friends in high school. 

It was not the most appropriate reason to kill someone, not even a little bit. 

Frankie always knew he was a bad boy, she just never considered how bad he truly was. To go as far as burying a dead body in someone's backyard was as bad as bad could get. However, he explained that he didn't take part in actually murdering the person just everything that happened after and before. 

Still, he had blood on his hands. It was something he lost a lot of sleep over.

Frankie was sitting on the couch outside, reading a book that she had brought with her for times like these. 

The night was beginning to fall, making the sky turn from blue to a wave of purple and orange. Her time here was up. 

She came for her brother and Han. 

Unfortunately, she could only have one of those things. She needed more time to figure out if pursuing her relationship with Han was worth it. Her heart was telling her to fall in love with him, but her gut was telling her to enjoy being single. She was conflicted.

It didn't take Frankie long to realise that she was in love with Han. 

She'd never been in love before, so she didn't know what it felt like. 

There was just a feeling she had never felt before in the pit of her stomach that made her realise it was indeed love

Thoughts about him would pop into her head and she'd be flustered. 

The mention of his name made the hair on her body stand up. 

Looking at him had her gasping for air or a sip of water. 

Kissing and touching him made her completely turn into jello.

She was smitten. 

When Frankie lifted her book a little higher, a small card fell into her lap. She furrowed her eyebrows as she picked it up. The name 'Gisele' was printed on the card with a number. No last name, email or occupation like a normal business card. It was plain and handwritten. 

Frankie didn't want to go back to her old job. It made her feel so useless. Besides, she was curious. She wanted to see what Gisele had in store for her. 

As she sat there looking at the card with a million thoughts running through her mind, the familiar sounds of car engines captured her attention.

She shoved the card into the book before closing it. 

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEWhere stories live. Discover now