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When Frankie woke up this morning, she was met with the fresh smell of breakfast foods. Race day was always like this. A big breakfast in the morning was a way for Jack Toretto to be with his kids, thinking that it could be the last time. 

Three out of four of his children didn't know it yet, this would be the last breakfast he shared with them. 

He would no longer be around to make them breakfast, lunch or dinner. He would no longer be the person they went to when they needed him. They wouldn't know how to live without him.

Frankie was the youngest of the family. 

The little girl with big dreams and bright eyes idolised her father.

She wanted to be just like him. 

Nothing made her feel better than receiving his unconditional love every day. A single parent, taking care of four kids and loving each of them the same. He had such a hectic lifestyle, never using it as an excuse to neglect those he cared about. He always made sure his children woke up and went to bed seeing his face. 

No one could take his place.

The girl was only nine years old, just a child and she knew how to take care of herself. They treated her like an angel. A little princess at best. She was the little boost of energy they needed each day. 

The young girl was just a burst of joy. 

Her big brothers, Dominic and Jakob protected her and her big sister, Mia, taught her things that the men in the house couldn't. Although it was their father who taught Mia those things, like how to brush her hair, where babies came from, the menstrual cycle, everything. He made sure to learn it all for them.

There was always love between the siblings, even now that they were getting older and wanted to rebel against the whole family thing because it would make them cool. 

They never did. 

Even when Frankie would be the annoying little sister and snitch on them for doing things they shouldn't be doing. Like that time Dom brought home a girl in the middle of the night when he had school the next morning. He ignored her for a week until she started crying for his attention. He was her big brother and she didn't want him to pretend she didn't exist.

She learnt her lesson after that. 

She never snitched on any of them ever again. 

Now that she was getting older she was starting to just keep to herself. 

Sometimes, Frankie didn't like leaving the house. 

Now that she was nine everything was starting to change for her. She walked out of the bathroom once she was finished styling her full head of curly hair. Her father always called her Dom's twin because of how similar they looked at this age. Jakob and Mia had European features, but they all had that sharp Toretto chin.

That's when she was met with Jakob, picking her up and putting her on his back. She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck as they made their way downstairs. 

"Mia, let's go!" Their father's voice from the front door alerted both the siblings as they reached the bottom of the stairs. 

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