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The sun had set and the stars appeared, meaning that it was finally night.

They all started to unwind, and digest all that chicken they had eaten earlier.

Frankie didn't want to watch a movie with the rest of them, so she helped Mia clean up instead with Brian. Besides, she knew that Vince would like to get her alone if she were to go into the living room with everyone else.

He'd been looking at her all day.

She couldn't get away from his hard glare. She wasn't ready to talk to him about what's been going on.

He was already drunk.

Brian being around didn't help.

Frankie was outside, cleaning up the table and throwing away any rubbish she saw. Her eyes darted over to the kitchen window, seeing Brian and Mia having a conversation that ended in laughter.

Frankie had never seen her big sister like this before, it was a nice sight. Mia lost interest in boys after their father died.

Honestly, she lost interest in a lot of things.

Frankie wanted her to be happy.

Brian was making her happy.

It won't be long before the two of them were a couple or go on a date.

Frankie walked up the back porch steps, coming into the kitchen. Neither Brian nor Mia even noticed her presence, so she left them alone with a smirk on her face.

She entered the dining room, not wanting to disturb the movie by going through the living room.

She also wanted to avoid Vince as much as she could tonight.

That's when the phone rang, capturing everyone's attention, but gave them an I'll get it so they wouldn't have to get up. Frankie rushed to the den, answering the phone.

She didn't think anyone would call at a time like this.

Frankie didn't have any plans tonight, she was only studying. That was until his familiar voice on the other end made her smile so big she could've cracked her jaw.

"Hey!" She chirped, leaning against the wall like the lovesick teenager that she wasn't.

"Plans tonight?"

"None." She giggled, twirling the telephone cord with her index finger.

"You wanna come to mine and then go for a ride?"

There was only one answer to that question.

"Yeah, sure."

"See you in ten?"

She smiled, "Okay."

The call ended after that and she wanted to scream, but she refrained from doing so.

She rushed up the stairs, grabbing her bag and filling it with stuff she might need.

She was not coming home tonight.

Frankie looked at herself in the mirror, not liking her outfit.

She swapped her black pants for a black mini-skirt and a pair of boots. It was pointless to dress up, knowing that her clothes would probably be on the floor once she got to his place.

The girl put on her leather jacket, letting down her hair and brushing it out so it framed her face.

Frankie added a little makeup to make herself look alive.

She didn't want to do too much, but Han had never seen her dressed up.

She was a mess this morning and yesterday.

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