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Things were very different after Dom went to prison. 

The three siblings were left to fend for themselves, and figure things out even though they had James to help them. 

It still didn't feel right without Dom.

It's been two years since he was sentenced and two years since their father died. 

They were all a little older now and learning how to live on their own, especially with Dom being in prison and James probably realising that his help was no longer needed. They were smart kids and their father had raised them right. They didn't have a single bad thing to say about him.

Mia was now a teenager, going through those changes that every girl her age went through and suddenly boys were coming into the picture. 

Jakob was becoming well-known in the street racing scene and hadn't been beaten by anyone yet. 

Frankie was now eleven turning twelve, trying to navigate through everything that's been happening around her. 

She was okay. 

There was nothing over the last two years that had her needing to see a therapist. She was perfectly fine. This is why James thought that someday she might just blow up. 

She was keeping it all bottled.

The siblings were not allowed to visit their brother in prison, it was something Dom had ordered them not to do. He didn't want them to see him in the orange jumpsuit pretending that everything was going to be okay when it wasn't. 

The judge didn't seem to take it easy on him just because his father died. 

Frankie wanted to kill that judge, she just never said it out loud before. She shouldn't even be thinking about it. Lately, she found herself with a temper that was just constantly growing day by day. 

Her brother and sister were noticing it as well.

Anything and everything that seemed to inconvenience her made her angry. 

If Jakob left the toilet seat up or if Mia didn't clean the bathroom after getting ready. It would earn them all the silent treatment. 

Again, James knew she needed to talk to someone. 

When he didn't have anyone to talk to he turned to a life of crime and drugs. He hoped that Frankie didn't go through that either. It would be a shame since she had her whole life ahead of her. 

No one is ever too young to start doing drugs. 

James started when he was nine.

The girl was sitting on the porch, finishing up her homework. It was getting late. Mia and Jakob headed to the street race with Letty and Vince, Frankie was too young to go. It's not like she wanted to go. 

These days she preferred staying in and doing her homework, watching TV or drawing. It'd been a while since Frankie even looked at a car and she walked to school, so she didn't see the need to be around a car or anything that had an engine. Jakob asked to take her for a drive and her answer was always no.

As she sat outside, she couldn't help this feeling that she felt within. 

There was something wrong. 

It was the same feeling she had the day her father died. 

James exited the house, appearing beside her as he began to light a cigarette. Frankie glanced at him with a small smile before turning back to her homework. 

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