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In the hushed corridors of hospitals, where antiseptic scents intermingled with the echoes of distant conversations, Frankie found an odd sense of comfort that surpassed any other place in the world. 

As she lay on the hospital bed, her gaze wandered upward to the immaculate ceiling, bathed in pure white and illuminated by the brightest fluorescent lights she had ever encountered.

Merely two hours had passed since Frankie's arrival, and the medical professionals had already given her the green light to leave.

Despite the reassurance of her physical well-being, the room echoed with an unspoken tension.

Those around her were less impressed than relieved that she had emerged unscathed once again.

Han, in particular, struggled to articulate his feelings, the unspoken question lingering in his mind: was Frankie deliberately putting herself in harm's way?

The concern etched on his face spoke volumes.

As Frankie contemplated the consequences of her actions, she couldn't shake the awareness that she had courted danger once more.

The disapproval she anticipated from Dom loomed over her, but an additional layer of uncertainty crept in—she had no inkling of what Gisele might have discovered about her recent escapade.

The hospital, a haven in its own right, offered a momentary respite from the impending storm of consequences awaiting her in the outside world.

Han and Frankie drove back from the hospital in a heavy silence that permeated the car.

The radio remained untouched, its usual lively tunes replaced by the weight of unspoken emotions. Frankie, engulfed in her thoughts, grappled with a profound sense of guilt, convinced that she occupied the unenviable position of being the worst person in the world at that moment.

Compounding the complexity of the situation was the confirmed news of her pregnancy, a revelation that hung in the air, unspoken but palpable.

The fact that Han, her partner, had been there to witness this revelation intensified the gravity of the moment.

He was keenly aware that she had known about the pregnancy, their second child together, and yet had chosen to keep it from him.

The unease in the car mirrored his internal turmoil.

Han despised being left in the dark, especially when it involved matters that directly concerned him, such as the impending arrival of their child.

This was their baby, and he firmly believed that decisions about their family should be made together.

The distance between them, both in the car and in their unspoken words, underscored the breach of trust and the challenging conversations that lay ahead.

Upon returning to their hideout, an awkward pause lingered before either of them made a move to exit the car.

The weight of unspoken tension settled in the confined space, amplifying the discomfort between them.

As they sat in contemplative silence, the challenge of broaching the impending conversation loomed.

The moment eventually arrived, and in a voice devoid of raised tones but pregnant with disappointment, he asked the burning question.

"Why didn't you tell me, huh? You put yourself... and our child's life in danger. You knew you were pregnant and still did all those things."

The gravity of his words hung in the air, emphasizing the magnitude of the situation.

Frankie, acutely aware of the consequences of her actions, felt the weight of guilt intensify.

His measured tone only accentuated the severity of her lapse in judgment.

She braced herself for the fallout, realizing that her silence had jeopardized not only her own safety but also that of their unborn child. The unspoken fear of losing him over her recent actions loomed large, and she couldn't blame him if he chose to end their relationship.

In hindsight, Frankie berated herself for her foolishness, acknowledging that she should have disclosed the news the moment she discovered she was pregnant.

The retrospectively obvious mistake weighed heavily on her as they grappled with the aftermath of her misguided choices over the last few days.

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