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There wasn't anything that Frankie could do.

She told Mia that Brian was a cop, and that was as far as she would go with helping them.

While Brian and Mia were having their heart-to-heart, Frankie got in her car and left. Her heart was telling her to stay, her gut was telling her to not get involved and run.

There was nothing left for her here.

As much as she didn't want to see anything happen to those she cared about, staying here would mean jeopardising her future. Frankie had a bright future ahead of her, so she couldn't let it go to waste because she decided to do something stupid.

It wasn't hard to figure out that Brian was a cop.

It was no coincidence that she came home, had her uncle put those questions in her head, and sent her to Brian for car parts.

James was working with Brian.

That was obvious.

It was something that Frankie should be mad about, but she wasn't. She didn't know how she felt about this betrayal. She didn't know if she could even call it that.

Frankie wasn't mad at James either, because she knew that he only wanted the best for them— for her.

He had every right to be worried, especially after her father trusted him to take care of them.

If he could see them now, he would be so disappointed.

Frankie just had to get out of East Los.

The sun was beginning to rise when she got home, so she immediately went to pack her bags.

All of them.

Anything she thought she needed, she shoved into her bags. Frankie criticised herself with each item she put into her bag, cursing under her breath.

How could she call herself a Toretto?

How could she claim them as her family when she was running from them?

She was abandoning them in their time of need.

They needed her more than she knew.

Frankie had been selfish, staying away, and not contacting anyone. It was her fault that her family fell apart. It was her fault that they all resented her.

She couldn't call herself their family– their sister if she was just going to leave.

It wasn't just her being gone, it was also the fact that she let Jakob leave.

She didn't go after him.

She hasn't tried to find him.

She had no right to miss him or wonder if he was okay.

She knew she was a sad excuse for a sister.

All these thoughts made her break down, tears fell from her ducts rapidly as her cheeks flushed with crimson and her breathing picked up. Frankie felt hot at that moment, every inch of her skin warming up as she filled with anger and sadness.

When would it all end?

All the pain and suffering couldn't last forever.

Frankie dropped to the floor, pulling her knees against her chest as she sobbed. All she wanted was her dad, he would know what to do. If he were here this wouldn't be happening.

Why wasn't he here?

It was like déjà vu, the screaming she could hear and the slamming of doors made her get up from the floor.

𝐒𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐀 𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐏𝐒 | HAN LUEWhere stories live. Discover now