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Today marked the pivotal moment they had been tirelessly striving for. 

Yet, as Frankie reflected, a sense of unease clung to their thoughts, haunted by the looming repercussions of their choices. 

What if their actions led to discovery? 

What if it resulted in their demise? 

The relentless pursuit of Hobbs or Reyes was an ever-present threat, a spectre of finality. 

Death seemed an inevitable outcome, whether they succeeded or not, but they couldn't afford to back down. 

Reyes and those of their ilk didn't merit their opulence, and Hobbs could never comprehend the significance of a code. Frankie firmly believed they stood on a higher plane than individuals like Dom, never beneath them but perpetually above. 

Frankie's job for today was to wait for a call. 

She would stay back with Mia and Vince and wait for either Dom or Brian to call her if something went wrong with one of the cars. She was the only other person who would be able to get to them as fast as they were driving. 

She'd catch up. 

If she was going over the speed limit, it was going to be for the hundred million dollars locked up in a police station. That was important. More important than two grand or a pink slip. The money was going to do good things for her.

Han had an uncanny ability to stir emotions within her, sensations hitherto unexplored. 

His desire to embrace fatherhood and expand their family struck a chord in Frankie, even though she had firmly set her limit at two children. In all honesty, she secretly yearned for their second child to be a son, despite Han's expressed preference for a daughter. She fondly recalled the names she had chosen during her first pregnancy. 

Deep down, Frankie envisioned her next son carrying the name "Dom" as a tribute to their shared journey. 

The mere contemplation of these thoughts left them both in awe of the maturity they had attained. It was only yesterday when he charmed his way into her heart by asking her to get drunk with him. 

Either he was an excellent creep or she was just really stupid, but it seemed to work in their favour. 

Frankie just hoped that Han didn't get cold feet, because men have tendencies to do that. Gisele was already betting on it. She wasn't going to say 'I told you so' when Han leaves Frankie and Jake, but she was going to make him feel bad about it for the rest of his life.

Dom's wrath would loom large in his mind. He would take him down, and Brian and Gisele would be right by his side in that pursuit. 

As Frankie stood beside Mia, they jointly tracked Hobbs' movements on the computer. But a disconcerting feeling gnawed at Frankie. It all seemed too simple. 

"Hobbs is on the other side of the city. We're not going to get a better window," Mia informed the group, a statement Frankie couldn't help but wish she hadn't uttered. 

Something just didn't add up; why was Hobbs on the other side of the city? 

Nonetheless, Frankie kept her thoughts to herself and, after partially tying her hair back, walked confidently over to Han, placing a bag in the commandeered police car.

His police uniform perfectly accentuated his physique, provoking thoughts of a more sensual nature.

She smirked, "Good morning, officer. I'm here to turn myself in. I've been very bad." 

She pressed her wrists together as he turned around, extending them towards him. He let out a hearty laugh as he closed the trunk of the vehicle. 

"Yes, you have," he pulled her closer, pressing his lips against hers quickly. 

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