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As Frankie washed her hands, the water turned crimson as it carried away the blood that once belonged to her brother. 

In the rhythmic flow of water, memories of a time when life was less complicated flooded her mind. 

Her father may have been gone, but they were still a family—tight-knit and unbreakable. 

James, a constant presence in those days, stood by them tirelessly. From morning to night, he became their anchor, tucking them in, preparing dinner, and treating them as if they were his own. Whether it was just the immediate family or when Letty, Vince, Leon, and Jesse joined in, they formed one big, dysfunctional, yet loving family. 

Frankie couldn't help but yearn for the simplicity of those moments.

How could Letty shoot Dom? 

Their connection was akin to a celestial bond as if they were soulmates eternally entwined. 

It mirrored the mythical tale of Zeus splitting an omnipotent identity into two bodies, bound together but separated, destined to yearn for each other across time. 

Dom and Letty embodied this profound connection. 

Shooting your soulmate didn't align with the essence of their extraordinary bond, and Frankie was certain of that. 

The puzzle seemed incomplete, and the missing piece was likely held by Gisele. 

An instinctual feeling gnawed at Frankie, urging her to believe that Gisele held vital information about this perplexing situation.

Gisele harboured an enduring gratitude for Han, who had risked his life to shield her. Now, he had earned a place on her list alongside Frankie and Dom, who had once occupied that special space. 

Simultaneously, Frankie grappled with the realization that she was being irresponsible. Keeping her pregnancy a secret, she acknowledged the recklessness of putting herself in harm's way. 

While the prospect of having a baby wasn't something she desired, using perilous situations as a means to eliminate the pregnancy without revealing the truth to anyone felt like an easy way out—an option she couldn't bring herself to consider seriously.

Frankie, so far, had managed to escape any reprimands for her recent decisions, and she continued to carry herself as if everything were business as usual. 

Upon leaving the bathroom, she observed Brian ending a phone call, likely with Mia. 

His expression spoke volumes, disappointment etched across his face. It was a familiar look, reminiscent of the one he wore when he discovered Frankie's collaboration with Braga. 

Brian's anger was palpable, fueled by the sense that she hadn't had his back as promised. 

He had come perilously close to losing his life, and Frankie couldn't shake the guilt that she might have averted the danger if she had been there.

Taking a deep breath, Frankie guided him to a corner for a private conversation, feeling the need to share her thoughts with him. 

"I know you're mad at me..." 

Brian cut her off, frustration evident in his voice. 

"What the hell were you thinking?" 

Frankie's mind was solely focused on Letty; that was her priority. 

"I just wanted her back, Brian. At least she's alive. We know that for sure now. I shouldn't have left you hanging, but you of all people should know what this is like. I'd do anything to bring the people I love back to life, heaven forbid that one of them is you someday."

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