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As Frankie opened the front door, she was met with a sight she hadn't anticipated: Han standing on her doorstep.

His appearance spoke volumes, revealing the toll recent events had taken on him.

Dark circles underscored his weary eyes and a layer of stubble adorned his jawline, evidence of neglect amidst turmoil.

Reluctant though she was to engage with him, Frankie knew she couldn't turn him away. Yet, she harboured reservations about allowing him inside, especially with Jake unaware of the tension between his parents.

Keeping their conflicts shielded from Jake was a mutual agreement; witnessing his distress was a torment neither of them wished to endure.

As Han stepped into the house, the door closed behind him with a soft click, enveloping them in an intimate space.

Despite Frankie's own height, Han's towering presence had a way of making her feel diminutive, though not in a negative sense.

His hand reached for her face, fingers tracing the delicate curve of her cheekbone with a tenderness that stirred conflicting emotions within her.

At that moment, Frankie felt a palpable sense of vulnerability wash over her, a familiar sensation whenever she found herself in his presence.

It was a weakness she couldn't seem to shake, a vulnerability that persisted despite her best efforts to steel herself against it.

Why did she subject herself to this emotional turmoil time and time again?

After all, it was Han who initiated the breakup, and expressed doubts about their relationship and the trust between them.

Yet here he was, standing before her, his touch igniting a cascade of conflicting emotions that threatened to overwhelm her once more.

Han drew Frankie into his embrace, his lips pressing tenderly against the side of her head before trailing a path of soft kisses down to her cheek and then her jawline.

With her eyes closed, she surrendered to the rush of emotions coursing through her, tears threatening to spill over.

She felt powerless to resist the pull of his affection.

What choice did she have but to let herself be swept away by the wave of longing and nostalgia washing over her?

She didn't want to put an end to this intimacy; instead, she craved it with a fervour that surprised even her.

It had been too long since she last experienced the warmth of his touch, the sweetness of his kisses—the way he made her feel alive and desired.

Despite the passage of time and the trials they had faced, Han still had the power to evoke butterflies in her stomach, to make her heart flutter with a depth of emotion that only he could elicit.

In all her years, he remained the sole person capable of igniting such intense sensations within her.

Frankie wiped away her tears, gently disentangling herself from Han's embrace before leading him by the hand to their bedroom—the space they had once attempted to share, now fraught with memories and unresolved tensions.

With a decisive click, she closed the door behind them, enveloping them in a cocoon of privacy.

The absence of Jake, currently in the care of James, left them alone to confront the complexities of their relationship, freshly reignited by Han's unexpected visit.

Frankie knew that this encounter would only serve to complicate matters further, especially in light of her recent agreement to go on a date with Deckard.

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