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You mindlessly stared at the sky through the balcony of your shared apartment with Jungkook. It had been two months since you two took your relationship a step ahead, hence moving in together.

It was blissful, awfully blissful to live in with your soulmate. Everything seemed to be going so well that sometimes it itched in the back of your mind, a constant check that maybe it was the calm before the storm because frankly life had never been good to you and it was safe to include Jungkook as well.

What bothering you now was Hoseok and Sasha's engagement. Well to make it straight and clear Hoseok had proposed Sasha last month and the engagement was set to next week.

Wonderful wasn't it.

It was except for the fact that you would be meeting Jungkook's mother for the very first time well technically in this life.

Your trail of thoughts was disrupted by a sudden drape of a shawl over your shoulders and a warm radiance from behind.

A grin broke on your lips as you tilted your head out of habit and Jungkook nuzzled his nose in the slot to press a soft peck on your neck.

"It's breezy outside baby", he spoke softly, "be careful to not catch cold."

"How did the meeting go?", you asked leaning in back giving him the access to wrap his arms around your waist.

"They're willing to give me two slots for the year-end exhibition.", he explained, "It was a plausible deal for both parties so we signed the contract."

"Congratulations on another exhibition.", you spun around to face him and placed a kiss on his nose.

"Now tell me what's bothering you?", Jungkook asked and you wondered when ever was your partner not attentive specially if that concerned you.

"Did you eat?", you asked in hopes of diverting the subject, "I made chicken soup, would like to have some?"

"No and yes.", he answered your questions and asked you another one, "It is because of my mom?"

Your mouth dried instantly, your gaze putting off from his curious ones.

"We are gonna get through it baby. I promise.", Jungkook's determination caused a frail ache in your heart and you could only pray for history to not repeat  itself.

"I'm sorry", you whispered out in guilt, "I don't wanna think about all this. I don't doubt you Jungkook. But I can't help on being anxious."

"You shouldn't be the one apologizing", his hands found your face, "To be honest, I'm going by Joshua's words. I believed it when he said we only had good days ahead of us."



"Who's idea it was to have the engagement party here?", Ena squinted her pointing eyes across the room.

"Why? Do you have a problem?", you countered back.

Her eyes lit up instantly, as she clasped her hands, "This place is amazing, I'm loving it!"

"Thanks, I recommended it", you said returning a proud smile.

"You'll be meeting her today right?", Yoongi asked with a hint of worry in his voice, "Alert me if you need her gone from this place. Me & Jimin will gladly do the needful", and the next moment he was joking.

"Sure Sure", You laughed, "That reminds me, I need to talk to Jungkook."

Taking a turn you walked through the hall, eyes searching for your boyfriend when you finally spotted him, standing round the corner, hands crossed over chest, eyes already staring back at you with a teasing smile on his lips.

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