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"Thanks", you said as Jungkook was closing the first aid box after treating your blisters.

Jungkook smiled asking, "Do you want me to drop you off to the lodge?"

You pondered over for sometime, "No that's fine. I'll be going with Seokjin. Thanks for offering though."

The smile swept of Jungkook's face instantly, which obviously didn't go unnoticed by you.

"Don't go with him", he said sternly.

You cocked your brow, "Excuse me?"

"Let me take you to there", he rephrased, "Please."

"I know what you're trying to insinuate", you frowned, "Please stop, I'm tired of having the same discussion with you."

"How long do you plan to keep on lying?"

Jungkook's question caught you off guard, "W-What?"

"About us not being soulmate anymore."

Your pupils blew wide, tongue tied, head spinning.

Jungkook threw you a knowing look, "I know Y/N."


"Remember that day before heading to Wonwoo hyung's farm, you had a talk with Gyu. He had offered you brownies?"

You nodded.

"I had told him to not add any sweetness in those brownies--"

"How could he bake without adding sugar or honey or whatever!", you shrieked in disbelief before calming down, "Oh actually you can."

"That's what you're concerned about right now?", Jungkook asked back in equal disbelief.

"No I mean that's very sus, I'll ask him later before I finally scuff him down. Yeah.", You said hissing through teeth, "And You're lying."

"Go ahead and ask Gyu.", he added, "That's why you couldn't tell apart that it was bland because it didn't had any sweetness or because of your lack of sense. You naturally assumed the later, blaming the blandness on your lack of sense."

"Not accountable, maybe I was sick that day. Or maybe my taste buds were on leave.", you said nonchalant.

"Yeah yeah sure.", Jungkook rolled eyes, "Remember Somi gave you sandwiches which tasted bland--"

"Because she made it sweet.", your hands covered your face in frustration, "Oh my god. You're one sly creature. I hate you."

Jungkook sighed, "Yeah whatever. No more point in lying. I already know that we're still soulmates and I want to fix us."

You looked at him, eyes squinting, "There's nothing for you to fix."

"There is--"

"Jungkook", you cupped his face with both of your hands, leaning in.

And then you kissed him. Slow and sweet savouring each other's lips. Jungkook's hands resting on your hips gently, sometimes caressing your sides. Your hand now resting on back of his neck, rubbing the skin, as your teeth clashed deepening the kiss. You could inhale his minty scent and he could taste strawberries on you.

When you pulled away, Jungkook was chasing your lips. And he did pull you in for another short kiss.

Resting your forehead on his, you both were still reviving your breathes when you said, "Jungkook, you should give up on us, like I did years before. Make peace with the fact that we're not meant to be."

Hearing your words, Jungkook immediately retracted back, eyes tearing instantly as he saw your teary ones.

"Hoseok told me everything. The reason why you let me go after that night.", you said wiping his tears, "Even if I want to try, your mom won't approve us. And you'll rightfully go for her words, abandoning me again. And honestly, I can't go through same heartbreak again, given the latest one didn't heal yet. So I'm doing myself, doing us a favor."

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