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You let out a long sigh, tired because of the car journey from Seoul to Goyang, where the wedding was set to take place because it was Claire's wish to get married at her childhood place, where she grew up.

Claire had made you all clear your schedules for the following week so that you could enjoy along with keeping this wedding as the only work in the tab.

"I still don't understand how we all ended up coming here?", Yoongi asked, genuinely amused.

"Not all yet. Jimin, Sasha, Hoseok & Vanya will be arriving day after tomorrow", Ena rolled eyes, "No one forced you to come, Darling. You can still leave."

Yoongi choose to ignore her words and started taking the luggages out of the car.

You called Claire and saw her getting out of the lobby space.

"Hey! I hope it wasn't a hassle.", She joked and hugged you.

"Not at all.", you quirked brows, "But I might pass out right here and not make it to my room."

Claire snorted to that, a habit of hers, before taking your hand into her, "Yes ma'am, let me get you to your room on priority. Don't worry about the laggage, the staff will take care of them.", she turned to others, "Guys, you too come with me."

"All of your guests will be accomodated in this lodge?", Seokjin asked obviously not out of curiosity.

To that Claire nodded, "Because here facilities are good. Plus it's really close to the wedding venue."

"About what I told you----"

"Y/Nie what do you take me for?", Claire frowned, "Of course, I have talked to them and they have no issues with you using their commissary, just one thing, they need you to inform them when you'll be using it a day before or so."

"Seokjin, Joon is taking care about what you asked for. I suggest you to have a talk with him after he comes. He went to airport to recieve some of our guests.", Claire heaved, "What else? Oh Taehyung, nothing from your side right?"

Taehyung shook head, "Goyang is pretty close to Seoul. We can make rounds to and fro in case of emergencies. So no worries for now."

"All sorted then.", you smiled and tried to drag Claire inside the lodge, "I might really pass out now."


You had an uneasy feeling settling at the pit of your stomach.

Standing before the mirror you tried to rehearse the lines you were about to say to Claire about your past with Namjoon.

Nothing worked and your mind was starting to go haywire.

Claire had agreed to meet you sharp at eight when she would be visiting to meet some other guests.

It was fifteen minutes to eight when you recieved a text from Claire saying she would be arriving soon and waiting for you at the lobby.

You crossed arms over your shoulders, giving yourself a butterfly hug and chanting it was going to be all okay.


After getting out of the elevator, as you went to the lobby, you saw no signs of Clair so dropping her a text you waited there.

Suddenly a bracelet lying on the floor, near the sofa where you were seated caught your attention. Something about it felt so familiar that you crouched to pick it up.

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