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"You don't seem very happy to meet me.", you stepped in closer and folded your arms across.

Jungkook laughed mockingly, "Of course, I'm not at all happy. Don't you understand that I was avoiding you all along."

Though it felt like a jab to your heart, your gaze didn't waver, "May I know the reason why?"

"Because I don't believe in all these soulmate shit. Everything regarding soulmate is a hoax Y/N!", he yelled causing you to flinch.

"So you know me?"

To that Jungkook smirked, "How could have I not known you Lee Y/N? Day one you stepped into the university, a week later I sorted out all necessary information about you.", he cocked brows, "After all, You weren't the only feel who felt those sensations."

"You could have confronted me earlier Jungkook. I wouldn't have spent my energy in finding you."

"I had considered that fact Y/N but then I thought I'd have to explain so much  if we met. And frankly, I didn't wanted to waste a second of my time on you.", Jungkook turned back and kicked the ball, he had at his foot before meeting your gaze again.

"Don't you feel the connection between us?", your bit your tongue to hold back the tears threatening to fall.

"What connection? Apart from feeling a tiny sensation in my chest when near you, I feel nothing. You are standing in front of me right now yet I feel nothing.", he shook his head, a smirk still gracing his lips.

"You don't believe in all these because your soulmate died?"

"Oh my god, you too believed it? I fed those idiots with this lie because they kept on pestering me. Now, I don't have to deal with their questions anymore. Relief isn't it?

"Why?", you whispered feebly.

"As I already told, I don't believe in all these. Relationships, commitments are not made for me. I won't let a certain fate decide who will be my partner. I can reject the one determined for me and live in normality."

"This doesn't serve a valid explanation Jungkook. Tell me the exact reason.", you urged.

He closed his eyes for a moment, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I loved someone Y/N. And she loved me too. But one day she left me saying that she had found her soulmate and she loves him. What does that even mean? Wasn't she just obsessed with the concept of soulmate? How could ones feelings change in such a short span? How could she leave me for someone she met recently? I was heartbroken Y/N.", his face turned serious for the first time in the conversation.

"Do you still love her?"

"I think so. I could never have feelings for someone else.", his voice wavered, which didn't go unnoticed by you.

"Are you sure you still love her and not just the idea of being with her?"

He gritted teeth, "Don't speak as if you know everything about me. You'd never know what I went through so don't. We met for the first time today and I hope it will be the last time, I'll be talking to you."

"Don't be so quick to judge Jungkook.". your eyes gleamed with tears, "Why don't you give us a chance?", 

"Because we don't even know each other Y/N. I'd never choose you. I had flings with a fair share of girls in university and if you would have been my kind, I'd have approached you neglecting the fact that you are supposedly my soulmate. You must have heard that I sleep around a lot, does this reason not convey what kind of guy am I?"

You felt humiliated by his words but Jimin's words reeled in your mind.

"You're lying. I don't believe that... that you.."

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