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You didn't expect your words to do magic but somehow your team was leading by two goals, credit to Jimin for assisting in both the goals.

Five minutes before the final whistle blew and you were unable to hold your tears. This wasn't playing in a World Cup, this wasn't playing in a hotshot club, this wasn't even a grand tournament but it was precious to you and your friends. Because something so trivial could lead to something big, it could be a ticket to chasing dreams.

And when the final whistle blew, you ran to Coach Shin and hugged that old man. As much as he would always give others credit, being that his nature, you knew without him the team wouldn't have made it to there.

"Y/N!", You turned around to see Jimin hugging Yoongi as they both gestured you go to them.

"Oh my gosh, you did it!", you jumped onto them with all three of you shedding tears of joy.

Somewhere on the bleachers after sending Ena to congratulate her friends, Taehyung went to Seokjin, "Look at Jungkook."

"Doesn't appeal me.", Seokjin huffed.

"He's hesitating to join them", Taehyung frowned, "This boy is the most unpredictable thing, I've ever seen. He himself doesn't know, what he'll do next."

Jungkook was brimming. When he scored the first goal, helping his team to take a lead, he wasn't sure if they would be able to hold onto the lead. He stilled, suppressed his nerves repeating, it's too early to celebrate. When Minjae scored the second, he could see the trophy within their grip but again decided to suppress his urges.

But now, he was overwhelmed. He wanted to shout, cry and laugh like crazy.

So when he looked around and saw his teammates hugging & celebrating with their dear ones he realised he was alone.

All alone.

Until he saw you. Smiling, eyes glazing with tears looking at him. And that was apparently the push he needed as next, he ran to you, hugging tight and sobbing on your shoulder.

Whatever it was happening in the moment, seemed intimate to you, personal to you.

During trophy distribution, despite of your deferring, Coach Shin called you to the podium sharing the medal and the whole team pushing you to the centre letting you lift the trophy.

Moment of glory.


"Don't go yet...", Jungkook slurred.

You giggled and cupped his face, "Then don't let me go Kookie...hold me tight"

"You're so cheesy", he held your hands within his, "But you're also so cute."

You two were currently at Jungkook's house, without having an idea about how many bottles you both have downed.

State: wasted.

Emotions: brimming.

When Jungkook literally begged you to spead some time with him somewhere (you didn't know that by somewhere he meant his home), despite of everyone disagreeing, despite you yourself waving him off, you never thought you'd end up here.

The conversation started with Jungkook apologizing, just as you had expected then to dismiss the awkwardness, to loosen up, he offered you drinks to which you agreed.

Bottles rolled down the floor one after another and you both were just talking all bullshit after which the situation would either get sad or steamy.

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