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"I'll be alright, Sash.", you tied your hair up in a messy bun and glared at her, "Not the first time, I've been in this situation endless times."

Sasha opened her mouth to retort but decided not to say anything further as it won't change the fact that you were going home alone because Ena had been mapped into a project by her professor at the last moment for which she had to stay back at her dorm. 

"Come on, help me with the trolley.", you urged her and got a sigh in form of response, "Stop over-worrying for me."

"If anything happens, I want you to call me.", she held your arms, "Screw that. Call me even if nothing happens. I need you to keep me updated."

"And get earfuls from Hoseok for the rest of my life?", you chuckled, "No thanks. Don't worry, I'll text you, not on regular basis but yeah."

Sasha wasn't convinced, not even a bit.

"Ena has been blowing up my phone with calls & apology texts and now you are.... I won't sleep on streets, if that's what you fear.", you lamented.

"You'll be late.", Sasha pulled your trolley out of the room, "You can't make these jokes. It's so not fair Y/N."

"Don't be angry Sash.", you hugged her tight, "I'll be fine. I promise."

Sasha remained unconvinced.


You were currently at the bus station waiting for your boarding. You couldn't help but reel Ena's word from few days back.

"I met Namjoon and he was asking about you."

You didn't understand what Namjoon had to do with any sort of information on you. It was perfectly fine, him and Ena reconnecting but you'd rather stay out of the picture. Some pages of life are meant to skipped. Irony, for you, you'd want to skip all the pages, selectively leaving out some.

The bus finally arrived and you walked in, luckily scoring a window seat for yourself. You plugged in your headset and were about to play a song when someone poked your arm.

Looking to your side, your eyes almost fell out of sockets.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Jungkook sat beside you, smirking, "You don't own the bus, do you?"

"And you never give a goddamn straight answer, do you?", you rolled eyes before asking cautiously, "Did Sasha tell you something?"

"Yes and no.", he answered, "I had called her for some stuff but all I got was how worried she was about you going home alone. Tell me one thing, what's the big deal? It's normal to go home alone, so what's she worried about?"

You gave a nervous laugh, "Exactly! But she treats me like some kid!"

Jungkook was scrutinizing you.

"You came here to see me off", you squished his cheeks, "That's so sweet of you. Now get off before the bus starts."

Jungkook just smiled.

Just smiled and showed no signs of moving.

"Jeon...why are you here?", you eyed him in horror.

He yawned, "I'm sleepy Y/N. Wake me up when we reach."

When we reach.

"No no no.", you shook him, "Jeon you can't visit my home."


"What do you mean why? You just can't go."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me the reason."

The gears in your brain didn't work hard which resulted in a lamest yet close to truth excuse, "Because my house is small. We won't be able to accomodate you..."

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