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A/N : Longest chapter till date... oof....

You recognised the place as soon as you stepped out the car.

The stars twinkling brightly up above so high, the gentle and soothing breeze swaying past you, the sound of waves coming from the distance.

You have never visited this place but this place, had often occured in your dreams.

Walking further, you spotted a silhouette.

That you immediately recognised. Seokjin facing the ocean, sitting on a boulder, the one of the right. So you joined him, sitting in the middle, you both now waiting for Jungkook to take his place.

Soon Jungkook joined and the three of you just savoured the moment.

No words, no looks, no gestures.

Only tears.

Seokjin sighed audibly loud, wiping his tears and turning to look at you and Jungkook, "Hi."

You looked back at him choking a sob and muttering a hi right back.

Jungkook sniffled, eyes still set straight into the abyss ahead, "So we meet again."

"We do", Seokjin smiled, "You both took too long though."

"Sorry...", you mumbled.

Reaching out you held onto both Jungkook's and Seokjin's hand within yours, "Sorry that I forgot you, forgot what we had."

"We both still can't bear to see you cry", Seokjin whispered, giving your hand a squeeze.

"Why are we here Seokjin?", Jungkook asked.

"Why aren't you reincarnated?", you followed.

"Let me tell you", All the three of you turned to see Taehyung, followed by Jeonghan, "But first..."

"You need to remember everything from your past lives", Taehyung continued, pointing at you and Jungkook, "You both."

"How do we do that?", you asked, standing up and stepping forward.

"I'll help you with that.", Jeonghan said as he formed a huge transparent bubble, motioning you both to step in.

Jungkook looked at you, holding your hand as you both did as asked.

"Now, since you've recollected most of the memories, I'll show you what's left.", Jeonghan said before closing up the bubble.

Seokjin felt hollow, and he knew he'd feel more of it when you both will remember about the end you three met, the predicament he was currently in.

Seokjin was also seeing what Jeonghan was showing you both, some parts new, painfully oblivious to him yet.

Seokjin saw, when the news of your affair with him spread, Jungkook was already ill, unaware of what was happening, spending most of the time in bed still wanting desparately to meet you both.

But his body didn't allow. When neither of you visited him, he was confused and sad. He wanted nothing more than to have you and Seokjin by his side. He was even convinced that he'd be better, cured if he got to see you both.

Jungkook wasn't aware of the conspiracy at all, the reason of absence of you both but he knew Bong would strike soon and he already had his men keeping eyes on him until he fell sick and didn't seem to get any better.

For Jungkook, he how devastated his past self was not knowing why you and Seokjin couldn't visit him.

Next, they saw you sneaking into Bong's chamber, smiling at your typical expertise.

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