Chapter 1: (Dorothy and Toto)

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(Dorothy and Toto)

*June 4th, 1900*


The prairies of early twentieth century Kansas were rather beautiful at least to the eyes of an eight year girl named Dorothy Gale as she called this home.

Dorothy had a merry laugh, chubby little hands, big earnest sapphire blue eyes filled with awe and wonders. And a round, rosy, sunburned face from living on the hot prairies of Kansas, and of course, she was not exactly beautiful but still has a very certain and great style of prettiness and loveliness.

"Another beautiful morning in Kansas. I bet Uncle Henry and Aunt Em are already up I bet" Dorothy had spoken out as she yawned to herself while getting up from her bed and from there, she made her bed and once we was done with that, Dorothy had freshen herself up as she went outside to see her Uncle Henry.

Uncle Henry was already doing his farm work which consisted of him being on his tractor, tending to the farm animals, and other such vigorous work and despite it all, his spirit never wavered or became broken, possibly to keep Dorohty's spirits high.

"Good Morning, Dorothy. How did you sleep last night?" Uncle Henry had called out to the young girl as he let out a smile while waiting for his answer.

"Good Morning, Uncle Henry. I'm also doing quite well and do you know where Aunt Em is?' Dorothy had answered back in joy as she saw Uncle Henry pointing his finger to the single bench as this made the young girl turn around to see her Aunt Em who was gently humming to herself as this humming was rather gloomy which made Dorothy rather concerned for her.

"Aunt Em, Is anything okay? You seem sad..." Dorothy had asked her aunt in a tone of concern as she looked up to see the woman nod her head slowly; however she didn't smile.

"I'm fine. I'm just bearing for another hot day that's expected to come later today but nonetheless, I'm fine, dear" Aunt Em had responded back in the same gloomy tone of voice as she was met with a hug from Dorothy.

"Oh, okay but like Uncle Henry says, we should always smile and have hope through the dark times" Dorothy had responded back in a comforting tone of voice while Aunt Em had simply nodded her head but not in agreement but rather to not make Dorothy feel discouraged as thoughts began to race through her head.

"This girl, she's only eight years old yet is so wise for her age. She truly gets it from her mother.." Aunt Em had thought to herself as she let out a sigh while looking over to see Uncle Henry approaching the pair with a smile on his face.

"Now there's my favorite people in the world. I was thinking of going to the market to pick up some vegetables since I have spare change left and I was wondering if I can use some company" Uncle Henry had offered'' as this made Dorothy jump up and down in joy as she always wanted to go to the market.

"I would love it too! I promise I won't cause trouble or anything" Dorothy had promised to her uncle as she quickly ran to the truck that wasn't that far.

"Dorothy now don't run off too far! We can't afford to lose you now..." Aunt Em had warned the young girl in a rather cautious tone of voice as she had gotten up from her chair to follow Uncle Henry and Dorothy to the truck as the trio was ready to depart for the market.

"I wonder, what's beyond these endless prairies..." Dorothy had thought to herself as she got in the trunk of the truck while Uncle Henry and Aunt Em entered the front as the vehicle proceeded to move to its destination.


Dorothy, Aunt Em, and Uncle Henry had arrived at the nearest town as it appeared to be old fashioned but quite lively as this made Dorothy awestruck.

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