Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

My Heart's Angel


Three fucking days and I'm almost losing myself. Until now, we couldn't find her. Her phone just keep on ringing, so we couldn't track where she is, she needs to answer the fucking phone! Maybe she was not the one holding the phone! Yeah! I know that! I have thought that! I'm so desperate, I am so fucking worried for her safety. And I swear to God, the moment I find where that Johansson is, he would bathe in his own blood.

After releasing Daniah's friend, and telling her I will be back, I rushed out again to chase the two cadillac escalade. I have a feeling that she was in one of those vehicles. I even asked the security at the entrance where direction they headed. But to my dismay I didn't reached them, didn't even saw at least one of the fucking car.

Fuck! I'm raging. I felt my blood boiling to the highest level. I can't imagine she'se in danger, and that she may be harmed. I threw the glass of scotch I was holding. What does he want? Why is he doing this to me. I know he was using Daniah to get something to me, and I can't figure out how he thought making Daniah as a bait, how does he know? How does he know that I would do anything for her, anything to get her and make her safe.

Gusto kong magsisi na hindi naging maganda ang huling pagkikita namin. I made her cry. I hurt her again. I know I always hurt her feelings. But I didn't mean it. How can I ever do it it, when for all my life, it was just now that I felt something special for someone. It was just now that life gave me a reason to live, a reason to feel happy again, and I will never allow anyone to take her away from me. I will do anything and give everything to take her back. Here where she belongs.

"I'm fucking worried about her bro! Your step brother was really a pain in the ass you know!? I will kill him with my own hands when we found him!" I heard Carlisle said slumping on the couch. I remember how furious he was when he found out Daniah's abduction. He even got mad at me when I told him Daniah just came from my penthouse before the incident happened, blaming me for not taking her home safely, and yeah! I'am also baming myself, I'm ashamed of myself. If only I took her home, If only I didn't let her walk away. if only I didn't suspected her. Maybe she's still here.

Everything was set up as what it is three days ago. Recording device, the tracker system as well as The Eagle's Eye IT experts are here. We didn't bother to report this to the authorities, because I myself would want to deal with this personally. Impossible? For us? No.

My phone rings and just like from the day one she got missing, I keep on waiting for a call from him. I know he will call me, because I know he wants something that only me could give him. Signaling the team to keep quiet, I quickly pressed the answer button the moment I saw it was Daniah's number. I took a deep breath when I heard the voice on the other line.

"Hello there brother?" narrowing my eyes, I shot a glance to Jackie making sure he was able to record and track the location, and when he nods his head and whispered the word "bingo", I felt a bit of relief.

"Where is she?" I answered in a low voice.

"Oh..didn't you missed me? It hurts.." he replied in a teasing voice.

"I said where is she!?" I asked once again, trying to calm my voice.

"Who is she? Who are you looking for?" I swear, he's testing my patience.

"Fuck you!! What do you want!?" I shouted. Almost crushing the phone I was holding when I heard him laughing.

"I like that, straight to the point..! Okay, let's put it this way, a hundred million in exchange of your girlfriend..what do you think bro?" he speaks like he's not using his brain.

"Do you think I will fall for your trap? You spend most of your life begging. Are you not ashamed of yourself!!?" I once again look at Jackie who raised his thumbs up, confirming that the tracking was done.

"Shut the fuck up, or I will kill her now!!" I grind my teeth. No. I won't let it happen.

"Where is she!? I want to talk to her!" I asked. Hoping this motherfucker will let my angel talk to me.

"Nah..ah..ah..! Why would I let you talk to her, when she's not even looking for you.." I don't believe it. I know she's scared now. I know she's crying now. And I know, she's hoping that I would come to get her.

"Fucking give her the phone or I'm not giving you the fucking money!!" I replied rangingly.

"Oh..So I'm the one who have to choose now, huh? Hey..! Talk to him!" I heard him talking to someone, which I think is her. I waited for seconds, but I didn't hear anything.

"I said talk to him..!" then I heard a slap. Shit! He slapped her. He just hit Daniah!

"Ahhhh!" Finally I heard a groan, and I knew it was her. Oh God! I couldn't bear thinking she was being hurt physically! Fuck!

"Don't you fucking hurt her Johansson! Don't you ever lay a hand on her!" I shouted, making Carl get up from his seat and pace back and forth infront of me. I can feel he became more anxious and almost wanted to grab the phone from me.

"Speak Daniah! Talk to your lover boy.." the son of a bitch said.

"Sinabi ko na sayo, walang n-nmamagitan sa amin John. Wala kang makukuha sa kanya.." I held the phone to my ear even more to hear what she's saying. Damn it! I could feel the fear in her voice.

"Listen bitch! You will talk to him or you want something worse happen? Huh?" I heard him talking to her. Calling her bitch! Fuck him!

"J-John, maniwala ka man o hindi, w-wal- ahhh! tama na please!" he keeps on hitting her! Bullshit! I swear he will suffer for what he did. For hurting my angel.

"Stopped it you prick! Stop hitting her! She has nothing to do with this..!" I shouted. But it seems he doesn't have any mercy left from him.

"I said talk to him! Beg him to save you! Stupid! You're really stupid! Talk to him!" lalong bumibilis ang pagtibok ng puso ko. Halos hindi ko na matagalan ang mga naririnig ko.

"H-hello? X-xavier?" my heart sunk and my world stopped the moment she whispered my name  from the other line.

"D-Daniah? Are you alright? What is he doing to you?" I asked worriedly, my eyes met with Carl's empathizing ones.

"H-huwag kang mag alala, okay l-lang ako..H-huwag mo akong alalahanin.." from her voice, I knew she was trying not to show she's too scared, but I could feel she was trembling with fear.

"Wait for me okay? I'm coming to get you. I promise. Just..just hold on.." I gripped the phone tightly.

"X-xavier..h-hindi mo kailangan gawin iyon. Ayokong mapahamak ka..h-hindi ko kaya.." Now I could hear hiccups, she was crying. She was crying because she don't want me to get hurt. When supposedly, I am the reason why she is there, for why her life is in danger.

"Listen, I will come and get you. I won't let anything happen to me.." I'm trying to soften my voice to sooth her. Though, I myself was too scared for her.

"X-Xavier..n-natatakot ako.." Oh God! I felt like my heart was crushed into pieces.

"Shhh..I know..I know..but you have to be strong until I get there okay? Just don't do anything that will make him hurt you again.." I told her, I can still hear her hiccups. I can't help myself anymore. I know this is not the perfect time, but I wanted to tell it to her now.

"Daniah..I lo-" but the call was ended. Fuck!

I feel like were running out of time and we need to act fast. Afer a few minutes, I received a message from an unknown number, giving the exact time and location wherein the exchange will take place. A thing that will never gonna happen. Because I am coming, to take my angel back.


My Heart's Angel (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon