Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

My Heart's Angel


"What the fuck did just happened?" I was so worried about her. That I Immediately called my private doctor to rushed to my penthouse while driving with the past out angel in my passenger's seat. She is fucking burning with fever. Why the hell is she here? Why didn't she just stay at home and rest? This woman! Thankfully when we arrived at the penthouse, my doc Justine is already there waiting.

"Follow me..!" I told him, opening the door while carrying Daniah in my arms. I laid her on my bed and let Justine check on her. I patiently wait, pacing back and fort while he immediately check her vitals and temperature.

"She has a fever, her temp is above normal at 40°." He calmly said.

"Why the fuck she's shaking?" I'm over reacting. I fucking know.

"Relax's just a fever. I will give her medications and you just follow the directions. Make her comfortable specially in BED..give her cool drinks to replace any fluids she lose from sweating.." this fucker really emphasize of giving her comfort in my own BED and gave me a smirk. He's lucky he's one of my buddies.

"Monitor her temperature, and if it doesn't go down in 24 hours, call me immediately..I will leave the medicines here relax okay?" He said while writing something on a piece of paper, then took out the medicines one by one from his doctor's bag. After giving some instructions, he left.

I then covered Daniah with the duvet to lessen her shaking. This is probably my first time caring for a sick person other than myself. And honestly, I didn't expect this. I wasn't expecting to see her like this. I thought I would see her in the party, having fun. I didn't plan to show myself to her, since I wasn't ready yet, so I just went there to secretly see her even from afar. I just arrived and went straight to the VIP Room when I heard the host's introduction for the anonymous singer, and this caught my attention. Raising my right eyebrow, I came close to the glass window to see it. A woman in a white cape, wearing a white mask? Okay, fits the party theme, and what about the voice?
So I'd waited for her to start.

When the music started to play, she looked up revealing her half covered face. My heart beats rapidly, like what I always feel when I see Daniah. Daniah! I narrowed my eyes since the lighting effect made it difficult to see the girl. She again bowed her head before she began to sing.

What the fuck! Was all I've said the moment I heard her sing. Daniah! Why the fuck is she so good in everything? I didn't know she had a lovely voice. And I admit, this made me crave for her more. I told myself to control my feelings for her, not until everthing is settled. But the scene was so good, she is so good. She is so lovely.

"What if this was just a part of the plan? of THEIR plan?" Carlisle's words echoed in my mind. God damn it! Yes! What if this was just part of their plan? To make me fall for her? So that they can get what they want? So that Johansson can get what he wants? I clenched my fist and walk away from the window. I couldn't look at her for too long, for I could feel my heart easily softens. I sat down at the couch and pour some eagle rare bourbon whiskey on a shot glass. Closing my eyes, I can still hear her singing. I savour the taste of the alcohol, as well as her melodic voice. Oh Daniah! You're making it hard for me.

When she finished singing, my eyes instantly opened. No! I once again walk towards the window to see her, but to my dismay, she's not there anymore. The loud crowd crazily cheer for the "anonymous singer". She captured the audience. My angel is really captivating. I poured another shot of bourbon and drink it straight. Then another one. My head was starting to get dizzy now. And I liked it.

Feeling drunk, and slightly swaying, I decided to leave. I don't want to stay here anymore. Planning to go somewhere and feeling wasted, I walk out of the the room. When I got near the exit, I heard someone groan, as if it was in a hurtful situation. Not caring of who or what it is, I continued walking. Then someone bumped to me. Oh! What a stupid bitch! Roaming around my property without permission huh?

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