30. At second glance

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Lyris stood rooted to the ground, unable to take his off the half-vampire, who hovered a foot above him.

He's taller.

Lyris thought.

Viridian was patiently looking down at Lyris, waiting for him to say something, but what would he say other than the obvious questions and statements? Viridian was expecting Lyris to fire off questions left and right, but how high were his expectations?

What came next out of Lyris' mouth was something Viridian didn't think he'd hear.

"Do you want to end the bond?"

Lyris has a mastered poker face that he put to use, coming off unfazed, but is that how he really felt?

Viridian looked hard at the puzzle that his former mate had become, trying to pick up the pieces, only, they were missing, or not there.

Lyris raised a brow, waiting for an answer.

"Well, I think it's best if we end the bond."

Lyris felt no consideration whatsoever. He just let his mouth speak his thoughts, no matter how harsh, since it was all the hurt he packed up, waiting to stab.

Viridian's answer was simple and domineering: "No."

Lyris turned away, his shoulders relaxing a bit, and Viridian caught the gesture, assessing what Lyris wants and needs are two very different things.

The werewolf didn't want to end the bond, he just needed to know if Viridian wanted to, and if the half-vampire wanted to, he would've done it without a complaint--a bond went both ways.

Out of nowhere their bond swirled around them, glowing a bright red.

This caused Lyris to look down at it with ache. Their bond was obviously strained and he needed to know what exactly went on in Viridian's mind and why he did what he did, but he felt that he's out of his league now.

In his mind, Viridian was a person of the past, unless the half-vampire wanted to change it.

Lyris turned back towards the pickles, trying not to let his mate's presence affect him.

"If you want me to apologise for leaving you, I won't." Viridian stated.

Lyris' breath hitched, as he turned around to stare at his mate.

He couldn't help himself when he lifted up his right hand and showed his mate the middle finger.


Back at the City Hall

Malek bit his lips anxiously, looking around for--

"Looking for me?" His vampire appeared out of nowhere, pinning him to the wall at the back of the building.

Malek's heart fluttered as he looked away with flushed cheeks, as he shook he said. "W-why would I look for you?"

He turned to look back at his mate, lifting his chin up, appearing to be bold on the outside as he felt anxious on the inside.

The vampire looked breathtaking with his thick eyebrows and sharp jaw as he trailed his fingers down Malek's arm, and slowly pulling away before his fingers brushed the werewolf's.

"What's your name?" The vampire's minty breath his Malek's hair as they shared the same air, while Malek's ears and neck turned bright red.

"Malek." The werewolf whispered.

"Malek," the word rolled smoothly out of the vampire's mouth.

Malek couldn't help but look down feeling flustered and bothered, his act of being brave lost in the wind. "Um what's yours?"

"Akaashi Renji."

Malek was able to hide his smile since he was looking down at his shoes.

The vampire slid the chit that he wrote in the meeting into the back pocket of Malek's pants, making him gasp and look up. The vampire leaned in to whisper as his breath hit Malek's ear, making him hold his breath in anticipation.

"That's my number."

When Malek blinked, the vampire was long gone.

He then covered his face and groaned in embarrassment, smiling.

"Akaashi Renji." He tasted the name with a grin.


Introducing Akaashiiiiiiiii Renjiiiii omg I've been wanting to write them for so long now, I hope you like our second lead couple!!!

Malek's character has been changed to Peat Wasuthorn since he suited Malek's character more!

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