9. Kali

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"I don't want to!"

Viridian exclaimed stubbornly, shaking his head while having his arms crossed.

Lyris sighed, collapsing on his bed and sitting back up, narrowing his eyes.

It had been two days since the hunters' attack on Viridian's house, and the vampire was getting restless having to stay around the Lyris' cabin.

The two were currently in the cabin, and were deciding on an outfit for Viridian to wear in the inaugural ceremony that evening.

Hayari had made this a routine ever since the pack was started, to help the members mingle and get to know each other, to prevent internal conflicts.

A lot of members would be attending the event specially because Lyris would one day be challenging Patrick for the title of Alpha, and Viridian was not exactly an unknown figure.

The vampire was feared and well known for burning down a village full of supernaturals.

Lyris was holding up a white button up that had weird designs all over.

Viridian looked like he was visibly burning the shirt with his eyes.

"You'd look nice in this," Lyris whined.

Viridian ran a hand through this hair.

Lyris didn't want Viridian to go back to Heli just to get some outfit without him, and Viridian didn't want to bring Lyris along with him since Heli was marked as 'unsafe for supernaturals' by the council.

Now the two were raiding Lyris' closet for an outfit, much to Viridian's dismay.

The vampire was absolutely content with wearing just a pair of sweat pants and tee like he was now.

"Let's make a deal. You pick the pants, I'll pick the shirt."

Viridian suggested.


The vampire quickly picked up a black button up and threw it on the bed.

Lyris scowled.

"You wear black all the damn time."

"No I don't."

Viridian defended.

"Look at yourself!"

Viridian walked in front of the long mirror beside window.

"I look fucking fabulous, and I'm wearing that shirt."

He stated, catching his mate's eyes in the mirror and winked.

Lyris blushed and looked away.

He hurriedly picked up a pair of black pants from his closet.

"I'm going to see Mal! Be back soon!"

He squeaked and almost ran outside the room but the vampire was faster.

Viridian wasn't having any of it this time.

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