47. Past

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Viridian was standing shirtless on the balcony of his and Lyris shared cabin. It was starting to get colder as days passed by, and summer slowly drifted away. The pack has been functioning smoothly without any hassles so far, and that meant that Lyris and Viridian could enjoy their moments of peace for the time being.

Lyris laid down on the bed wearing one of his mate's shirts, and watched his mate looked across the balcony wistfully. Lyris really enjoyed the view to say the least, as he soaked in the sight of his mate's muscular back. He took a quick picture and climbed out of the bed and approached his mate with slow steps. 

Viridian sighed in contentment when he felt Lyris slowly hugging his torso.

None of them were ignorant to the fact that something was bothering Viridian.

"What is it?" Lyris asked softly, peering up at his mate.

"I was thinking," Viridian cleared his throat. "About how we could have met way earlier."

Lyris nodded, but he knew it wasn't eveything that his mate was thinking about. "And?"

Viridian looked down at his mate and smiled. It almost looked like a smirk, but it was one of those small smiles Viridian showed Lyris, that spoke a lot. Lyris was ready to listen.

"And about how we're going to strategize our next steps."

Lyris' brows furrowed. "Next steps?"

Viridian wrapped an arm around his mate's waist and pulled him closer, and absentmindedly played with Lyris' earlobe. "There's going to be one final attack, and I know you know that, Virus. Why're you playing coy?"

Lyris sighed and looked away, slouching against his mate. "Does it really have to come down to that? Like your old man said?"

Viridian smiled distantly and glanced at the dagger on their nightstand, thinking about what the old man said. 

"I know you lads think that the prophecy does not exist, and because of that, I'll speak with you with evidence." The old witch pulled out an ancient video diary. 

Viridian and Lyris and all the other boys were now curious.

"What is that?" Kingsley leaned forward.

"It is a video diary--one left by our former king and queen of the vampire and werewolf clan." The old man explained, and played the video. 

There were two couples in the video representing the vampire and werewolf clan.

"Hello sweethearts," Lyris' mother, Hyra spoke first, and everybody took a double take at the video and at Lyris. Nobody even doubted for a second that she was Lyris' mother.  

"You look prettier as a woman, Lyris." Malek joked, making everyone chuckle.

"Both of you are sleeping right now," Viridian's mother, Maren peeped in, and the camera flipped to show baby Viridian and Lyris sound asleep in their own cradle. "And there is something that you should know."

Hyra and Maren shared a look and the camera now tilted to fit two more people in the video--Lyris and Viridian's fathers. "We are very sorry to meet you like this," Viridian's father, Darius apologized, and Xander, Lyris' father nodded.

They were in the broken cabin the boys were sitting in currently.

"We hope this video reaches you at the right time." Darius spoke and continued. "I know that all of this seems very abrupt and weird, but you need to pay close attention to what I'm about to say next. We are about to enter into a war to defend our races and beliefs. We might not make it out alive, but we want you both to know that we love you. We hope that one day you'll be able to end what we started if we die in the process."

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