3. Desiderata

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Lyris woke up with a pounding headache.

He tried to remember what put him in the hospital, but all he could come up with was Viridian's face.

He found his mate.

And it was Viridian Yari, a vampire.

Lyris didn't know how he felt about having a vampire mate, but none of that mattered because he had already started to accept him as one.

His heart beat faster when he thought about Viridian, and he couldn't help the skip in its beat.

He scratched his head.

He didn't notice Malek passed out on the adjacent bed in the infirmary.

Malek stirred in his sleep due to the creaking sounds from one of the old beds. He squinted his eyes and opened them fully, and jumped at the sight of his cousin.

"For a werewolf you guys sure are slow," Tolen commented from the window, his legs swinging side to side.

Malek growled at Tolen's words, but Lyris only cocked his head to the side, noticing the two people in the infirmary along with him.

"What's going on? I passed out? For how long? I haven't been training!" Lyris panicked steadily.

"You ain't going anywhere wolfie, let me check your condition." Tolen jumped from the window and inched forward to place his head on Lyris' head, but Lyris only leaned back.

"It's fine, he's a medic witch." Malek muttered, slowly wiping his eyes and stood up.

Lyris wearily let Tolen check his body for any signs of restlessness.

"All witches have this capability, Malek. You obviously have been sleeping through your general education classes in second grade." Tolen glared at Malek.

Lyris frowned.

He didn't know who Tolen was, but didn't want to start off on a bad foot.

"I'm Lyris," he extended his hand to Tolen after he finished his checking. "I don't think we've met."

Tolen grinned.

"Tolen, I'm a friend of Viridian." He shook his hand.

Lyris froze.

He couldn't help the low growl that escaped his lips.

Werewolves were not only territorial creatures, but were also extremely possessive.

Tolen smirked.

"Just a friend wolfie," he stated.

Lyris smiled sheepishly.

"You know, witches are considered as a disgrace among humans, which is why they call each other witch sometimes. But wolfie? Not so much."

Malek stated, making Tolen whisper something under his breath.

"Fuck! Ly! This guy's creeping me the fuck out! Literally!" Malek panicked, scratching his arms and neck.

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